WOMEN...Too much insecurity?



  • beccannes
    I am really surprised by all of these answers. I don't think it normal, and I think maybe you should get some help with it. I have plenty of friends and I never for one minute wonder what they think of me. If they don't like me or think badly of me, they can piss off and find someone else! Life is much easier if you can go around thinking you are awesome all the time! I don't really know how I got here though, was not so self confident as a child.

    I think it is great that you have never had these issues. I guess you can't understand where someone is coming from unless you have experienced it yourself. From the posts I have read in this thread I do not see anyone that I would classify "needing help". Kind of a rude comment in my opinion. Nobody is perfect and everyone has various areas that they could work on. For someone with insecurities I feel what they need to work on is is learning their self-worth and finding themselves.
  • ChasingStarlight
    ChasingStarlight Posts: 424 Member
    Hey, I don't mean to offend, all I meant was it is no good going through life feeling like that and the OP shouldn't think that everyone feels like that and to accept it. I found it a bit disturbing that the majority of people responding say they feel the same way, as it to me that implies that it is a normal and acceptable way to think.

    Not everyone does feel like that, for whatever reason. I do think it worth working through issues of self worth with someone if this is how the OP feels and she is having trouble dealing with it herself, as it is obviously impacting negatively upon her life.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    You are not alone. My aunt did something like that this week. I sent her an email with one sentence and she thought I was mad. Uh, no, I wasn't mad at all. I was just busy.