The wall and tackling the exercise monster.

rayneenie Posts: 177 Member
Hi all,

I am Raynel, I live on MCB Camp Lejeune with my Husband who is coming to the end of his 11th year in the Corps. At 27 I have recently hit the wall my Doctors told my Mom I was going to hit since I was 10. You know that one where you are either going to give up and let yourself die or you are going to lose weight. I think I had almost decided to give up, but thankfully last week the good Lord intervened and showed me the reasons I need to live. My Sister gave birth to the most beautiful Baby Boy ever. As I held him Sunday to say goodbye :cry: I cried realizing that I wanted this little guy to know me and I wanted to be here to know him. So Thanks to God and Jonah :smooched: I have a want to fight again. I hope that I have found a community here that I can relate to and people who can become my partners in this fight.
My biggest struggle is exercise I see all these cute trim wives walking and having a great time, sometimes I wonder if it is as hard for them to get out and go as it is for me. I mean what motivates them? Then I step into a gym and jeesh do I ever want to run. If Gym's themselves are not kick in the teeth enough try going to one on a Marine Corps base where there is no lack of hard bodies. I wish they would make a gym that is specifically for the morbidly obese. You know you walk in that first day knowing that everyone there at one time has been in your shoes. On top of the embarrassments of the gym there are now the physical restraints. I dislocated a hip 4 years back and now even walking more than 15 minutes is painful. There has to be a way to do something that is great cardio and low impact every day.

I hope to get to know some of you and share not only the struggles and triumphs of weight loss but also some of the Joys of life.



  • rayneenie
    rayneenie Posts: 177 Member
    Hi all,

    I am Raynel, I live on MCB Camp Lejeune with my Husband who is coming to the end of his 11th year in the Corps. At 27 I have recently hit the wall my Doctors told my Mom I was going to hit since I was 10. You know that one where you are either going to give up and let yourself die or you are going to lose weight. I think I had almost decided to give up, but thankfully last week the good Lord intervened and showed me the reasons I need to live. My Sister gave birth to the most beautiful Baby Boy ever. As I held him Sunday to say goodbye :cry: I cried realizing that I wanted this little guy to know me and I wanted to be here to know him. So Thanks to God and Jonah :smooched: I have a want to fight again. I hope that I have found a community here that I can relate to and people who can become my partners in this fight.
    My biggest struggle is exercise I see all these cute trim wives walking and having a great time, sometimes I wonder if it is as hard for them to get out and go as it is for me. I mean what motivates them? Then I step into a gym and jeesh do I ever want to run. If Gym's themselves are not kick in the teeth enough try going to one on a Marine Corps base where there is no lack of hard bodies. I wish they would make a gym that is specifically for the morbidly obese. You know you walk in that first day knowing that everyone there at one time has been in your shoes. On top of the embarrassments of the gym there are now the physical restraints. I dislocated a hip 4 years back and now even walking more than 15 minutes is painful. There has to be a way to do something that is great cardio and low impact every day.

    I hope to get to know some of you and share not only the struggles and triumphs of weight loss but also some of the Joys of life.

  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Hi Raynel!

    Remember one thing. no matter how out of place you feel, everyone else feels that same way, if not about their body, about SOMETHING. If you're too shy to hit the gym (understandable, it happens to a lot of people, myself included), then just find some exercises you can do at home. Believe me, there are plenty you can do in the privacy of your own home that are a GREAT workout. I.E. simple things like aerobics videos, jumping jacks (believe it or not, a VERY good cardio workout if you do enough of them), squat thrusts, jump rope, running in place...etc. Most of this stuff you can do while reading, or listening to your mp3 player, or talking on the phone...etc. If you feel like you need equipment, usually you can find a tred mill or exercise bike on ebay or craig's list pretty cheap.

    One thing I can tell you is, no matter what shape you are in, it hurts for everyone, it's a chore for everyone (maybe not every day, but a lot of times), if working out were easy, we would all have killer abs and buns of steel! Just remember to focus. When you feel like quitting, think of your new nephew, put a picture up of him (blow it up large!) where you work out. Do what ever you need to to make it happen. If you need help, you can always come on here and ask, vent, share victories...etc. We will be happy to listen and help!

    hope this helps you!

    Best of luck.

  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    Hello Raynel and welcome to MFP!

    My heart went out to you when I read your post! As someone who was Morbidly Obese for many years, I can completely relate to you. Please find comfort and strength in knowing that the path you chose in the past is not the one you are looking at now! You can do this!

    I started with home workouts and many walkes around the neighborhood, but once I had lost 15lbs, I realized that this was a life choice and I was not going to let what I "thought" people at the gym might be thinking get in my way of all those useful activities. So I went. And let me tell you, once I popped in those ear buds with my mp3 player, and started my varied routines, i stopped worrying about what other might be thinking and started thinking about living longer and happier.

    To make me feel even closer to your story, I dislocated my hips in a car accident years ago, and spent about 2 months in a body cast. Working back from that is not easy (so I understand). And although I still feel tenderness after hard workouts, I can now jog again, so believe me... there is a future out there!

    Good luck! You can do this, and this forum will hopefully bring you encouragement and determination!.. It has for me!

  • MargieM
    MargieM Posts: 2,248 Member
    Hi Raynel and welcome! You made the right decision to stick around, not only for your beautiful nephew, but for yourself! It's hard to get started and to keep on track, but everyone on this site is sooo supportive of everyone else. You will suceed if you take it one day at a time. I also hate the gym and all those buff people who look like they have the perfect life. They don't, but who does? But if you have access to a gym, GO! You need to do weight training as well as cardio and that is the best place to do it. Talk to the trainers there and have them set up a rotation for you. Get your hubby to go with you. Not only is it easier to go with someone, but he will be your biggest supporter. I'm sure he wants you around for a long time also. As for low impact cardio, get on an ellipse machine. If you can only do 15 minutes at a time, that's better than nothing. As you strengthen your hip muscles, you will be able to go longer and longer. You CAN do it and we are all rooting for you!

    :flowerforyou: Margie
  • kittybellenir
    kittybellenir Posts: 128 Member
    hey 15 minutes is still 15 minutes of excercise that your getting. it will all help in the long run. It will be a long hard road but the rewards are worth it, I used to weigh 260 pounds it has taken me 5 years to get to 152 but I'm here, there will be moments you plateau but keep trying and it will happen.
  • ladyjh578
    ladyjh578 Posts: 207
    always set realistic goals. Maybe 10lb. increments. This way you don't feel like you will never reach your goal. :wink:
    Thats what I do. It does help.

    Always here if you need help.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hi Raynel!

    Remember one thing. no matter how out of place you feel, everyone else feels that same way, if not about their body, about SOMETHING. If you're too shy to hit the gym (understandable, it happens to a lot of people, myself included), then just find some exercises you can do at home. Believe me, there are plenty you can do in the privacy of your own home that are a GREAT workout. I.E. simple things like aerobics videos, jumping jacks (believe it or not, a VERY good cardio workout if you do enough of them), squat thrusts, jump rope, running in place...etc. Most of this stuff you can do while reading, or listening to your mp3 player, or talking on the phone...etc. If you feel like you need equipment, usually you can find a tred mill or exercise bike on ebay or craig's list pretty cheap.

    One thing I can tell you is, no matter what shape you are in, it hurts for everyone, it's a chore for everyone (maybe not every day, but a lot of times), if working out were easy, we would all have killer abs and buns of steel! Just remember to focus. When you feel like quitting, think of your new nephew, put a picture up of him (blow it up large!) where you work out. Do what ever you need to to make it happen. If you need help, you can always come on here and ask, vent, share victories...etc. We will be happy to listen and help!

    hope this helps you!

    Best of luck.



    True story: In the locker room at my gym one day, I complained after spin class that "that was hard!". Someone else said "but it's so easy for you, you're in good shape." I started to laugh and laugh,as this was not always the case. (it's moments like this I carry a "before" picture) So, long story short: if I can do it, so CAN you! One day you too will be able to look back and say "this is so much easier now than it once was." Not easy, but easier. I believe that motivation often comes AFTER I do my workout. My most common pep talk (still, after almost four years of being a gym person) is "you'll feel better AFTER you do it."

    God's blessings on you. You can do it!:flowerforyou:
  • vickiann08
    Hi Raynel: I just read your post and I know exactly how you feel. I have struggled with my weight for a long time. I have recently joined weight watchers and I love it. I have lost 12 pounds since February. I need to lose 111 more, but I am taking it 10 pounds at a time. Now I totally understand about not wanting to go into the gym with all those hard bodies, I coudn't do that either. I don't know much about the area you are in. Do you have internet access? if so try checking on the weight watchers site, you can join online I am not what the cost is off the top of my head.

    Also there is FREE:happy: weight watchers site, it is The lady that runs the site is dottie and she is a lifetime member of ww and she lost a lot of weight, she is a nice lady and that site will be a huge help and motivation for you. They have all kinds of dvd's available with exercises that you can start out real slow. I also suffer from hip problems and I started out slow working out, but I think the more I lose the better my hip and back will be. If I can help please let me know, I will do what I can, I am not an expert by any means, I am just a woman trying to get healthy! :happy: Vicki
  • SoulfulLori
    Dearest Raynel,

    You should be proud of yourself for this post as it is so open and honest about your feelings. This is a major thing as most people are not in touch with how they really feel.

    Life was given to you and it is a blessing. You are going through these struggles for a reason as there is something in this that you must learn from life. Take the bull by the horns and work on this as it will keep coming back in your life if you don't.

    It is ok as others have said, everyone has something they are working on and feel uncomfortable about. There are others that are here that have posted that share your struggle and you can learn from them.

    I try to look at everyone with compassion and know that there isn't a person on this earth that doesn't have insecurities despite the image they portray. Know that when you go into a gym. Know that just because they look fit doesn't mean their brain is. YOu can teach them something about love and caring for one's body and "stick to itness". Talk to others to get over your discomfort.

    Take the challenge. See it is a game and a gift. See it as your chance to do something good for yourself and others. Learn and teach. Get help from others and then help someone else.

    Pick small challenges at first like one week of meeting water requirements and no soda. One small change each week and stick to it.

    Raynel, I just fought for my life and if I learned one thing while sitting in that chemo chair for 6 hours at a time it is "DON'T GIVE A RAT'S BEHIND WHAT OTHERS SAY!". Nobody could take that needle for me so nobody else's opinion truly mattered. Most people are kind and loving and others fall short, however, at the end of the day you must find your strength from within and fight your battle. Nobody can do it for you but they can cheer for you all the way and bless those that do. Those that do matter, those that don't aren't worth your worry. Do what you know is right. I know this to be true without a doubt.
  • c-grandma
    c-grandma Posts: 73
    Hey Raynel-you made the best choice-to love yourself enough to take care of YOU. Everyone that has a weight problem is there to do just what you are doing. Get healthy. I used to feel the same way. I probly looked pretty silly the first time I started to run. Now, I run 6 days a week, and I feel great. 15 minutes is a start. That's great-just keep at it til you build up. Good luck, and welcome. This site is a big help. Chris.
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    Raynel...remember that even the fittest person had to start somewhere, and 15 minutes of exercise is better than none!!

    We are all rooting for you!!:flowerforyou:
  • jesusgrl14
    jesusgrl14 Posts: 250
    Sweetie, we are all here for you and I know personally, I would not be succeeding in this battle if it weren't for all of the support, motivation, information, and love that I receive from this site! Every time you think you just can't do it, please log on and talk. There is always someone on here ready to understand and send a little love and support your way! You CAN do this! You have taken the first step in surrendering to the fact that something has to change.
    As far as the exercise goes, I totally agree that EVERYONE has insecurities about the gym! Don't let yours stop you, because one day you might be able to support the next lady that comes in nervous because you look so darn good! :bigsmile: Have you tried pilates or yoga? Both of these are low impact but pack a powerful workout you would never expect. Pilates is so stinking hard at first but it's amazing how much easier it gets every time you go! Stick to whatever you choose and know that it WILL pay off eventually. My favorite thing to remind myself of is the fact that you didn't put that weight on in a day/week/year and you won't take it off that quickly either unless you really stick with it! Good luck! :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • fitladyfawkes
    fitladyfawkes Posts: 138 Member
    You are amazing for making the decision to change your life. When you actually decide to do it with your whole heart, there is no stopping you. If you KNOW that you are going to do it, not HOPE then nothing will stand in your way!!!
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    Hi Raynel - welcome! We are here for you. When you get discouraged, when you are afraid, when you want to give up - we'll be here! When you are excited because you lost your first 10 lbs., or exercised 20 mins (or 30 or whatever milestone), when you are on top of the world excited about a success - we'll be here to celebrate with you too! Congratulations on choosing life - "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope" Jer. 29:11
  • FUNinTHEsun
    FUNinTHEsun Posts: 284 Member
    welcome! we will always be here for u!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    Greetings Raynel and bless your heart!

    I would like to encourage you to give bellydance a is low impact, toning and is an ancient feminine artform, spiritually and physically it is just so is for women of all ages, shapes and sizes...we don't call our overweight women obese, we call them Goddesses!

    Live classes are the ultimate fun and a good way to network with other don't have to take live classes to learn and get a can buy DVDs and work out and learn at home...your sister might like to join you and your nephew will find it very intertaining to watch his Auntie and Mommy dancing and having fun.

    Thank God for you newphew...there is always hope for the future,

    Fat Dancer