any exercises for the physically challenged?

Hi - I'm wondering what any of you that can't really walk far or bend or actually much else in the physical department do for excerise. I'd appreciate any feedback.


  • lizblizz2012
    lizblizz2012 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm not physically challenged, but my mom is, and she does water aerobics. Very low impact on the joints, and doesn't require a lot of strenuous activity especially on the lower body. You don't even need to pay for a class. Just find an indoor pool and get in the water and move around :)
  • 1234terri
    1234terri Posts: 217 Member
    I use a wheelchair and I do sit and stands during the day, I do typical housework from my wheelchair, (washing clothes, getting groceries) vacuuming, etc..when I roll thru stores, etc there's a cal burn from the pushing, and I also have a very affordable foot pedaler that I can sit in front of and get my legs going, that measures cycles and cals burned and time. It's great. I've lost about 20lbs over a year. I'm slow, though-others may be doing more and getting ahead. I also never eat back my exercise calories..I keep my cal could low and know it's the only way when you have a real lack of mobility.


  • 1234terri
    1234terri Posts: 217 Member
    great idea on the water..terrific workout too, as you're pushing against the water.
  • MCproptart
    MCproptart Posts: 92 Member
    This might not be an exact match, but the Wii Fit with Balance Board has balance, yoga, and strength training besides the aerobic activities. These were good for me when I was recovering from having a brain surgery where my hearing and balance nerves were cut on one side. While my other set of balance nerves has now evened things out, and I can do full workouts with practice, when I started I had to tap down the walls of hallways and could only do about 5 - 10 minutes of anything before I was worn out. I like the balance board for the yoga because it shows you where you're putting your weight and coaches you to shift your weight to get into the correct positions.

    If you have access to a pool (indoors or heated, this time of year), water jogging is awesome. Run in place pumping your arms as if you were on the elliptical machine, but do it neck-deep in water. High resistance, low impact, and self cooling!

    A stationary bike can be your friend, too, especially the recumbent kind.

    Good luck!
  • pinky_pie
    I actually just invested in a pedal exerciser.

    My husband has very bad knees, so it's difficult (with his weight as well) to walk far or do most any other cardio. I did some researching online, and physical trainers working with very obese who have mobility issues use pedal exercisers to get the cardio, and especially muscle rehabilitation and circulation without any impact. You can sit in your chair and pedal away, and also place the exerciser on a table and sit down and work out your arms too.

    I've been using it as well and it does get your heart rate up and help burn calories.