What do you think about when you run?



  • kdabis
    kdabis Posts: 34 Member
    i think about trying not to think about how much my calves are hurting haha. But in reality when it comes to were i'm almost going to give up, i mentally tell myself i can do it, i'm almost there, just a little more, i'm doing good! ...and i make it! :) I also listen to my Iphone music, so it's not too bad.
  • Redkoala
    Redkoala Posts: 146
    I cover up the machine with my towel and hide the clock lol. And i find when you're not watching it time does seem to go quicker.
  • bambi5014
    Its too cold to run outside, so I have been doing the elliptical and setting it up in front of the TV in my bedroom. I watch all of my DVRed shows at night, and when one show is over... I know I have done one hour. When I do walk/jog (I'm not up to running just yet) I do find it helps also to have a "workout jam" on my playlist. Music that really pumps me up... some suggestions: Black-eyed Peas - Let's get it started in here, Kanye West - Stronger, Bush - Machinehead, Volcano Girls - Veruca Salt, Ke$ha - Tik Tok.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    A lot of things have been already mentioned here..

    for me - it works to do it while there is a show on tv that i usually like to watch - like desperate housewives- i just " fly " trough those 60 minutes- and don't really care about the time while on it..
    sometimes i would rent a movie on dvd- and watch the entire movie on the treadmill ..

    i really don't understand how you can read while exercising ? My personal opinion- please don't get upset- is that if you can read while working out- than you really not working out .. sorry

    I pod- is great- i just downloaded from the podcasts- a " 0 to 5k - it's a 9 week program and i'm just about to try it out.. it " walks " you through your workout on the treadmill ..

    Also like to think of Jillian - yelling at me .. something like .. going on 7 mph in 10 sec.. 9.. 8.. and .. go go go .. do n't stop d*mnt.. ! and if i do stop- before 60 sec's is up i imagine her yelling at me to do it again .. :) i know it's weired but s omehow it helps..

    And one more thing- i keep track of my workouts- on a note book next to the treadmill i have the date, length of training, how many miles and how many kcls i have burned.. every time i try to beat that time - the miles- or the kcls- just by a little bit more.. a litle faster than yesterday .. if i did 3, 5 miles in 60 minutes, i try really hard to get to 3,6, o r 3.7 today.. this kind of things just keep me going..

    I don't think of " oh.. when will i be done ? and stuff like that- because that makes it just worse, it's kind of like adding salt to injury- try to find things that will help you stay on it- not encouraging yoruself to get off of it .
  • Curtism1234
    Curtism1234 Posts: 73 Member
    This is very creepy, but it works for me...

    I just look for some attractive women using the first row of cardio machines and I go directly behind them in the second row. lol
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I listen to audio books on my ipod. If you love to read this is a great way to get your book fix and still be able to move at a good pace. Checkout www.audible.com They have most new releases. If you really are into books, you can get a year membership that brings the credits down to less than $10 a book. Right now I am listening to Dan Brown's Lost Symbol. I just finished Nelson DeMille's Charm School. Next on my list is Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon. Happy reading (um, listening:wink:)
  • jawhwilson
    This is very creepy, but it works for me...

    I just look for some attractive women using the first row of cardio machines and I go directly behind them in the second row. lol

    I'm sorry but I had to say thanks for the laugh. I needed it. I just walked two miles trying un pissmyelf off at someone. My ipod played all the songs (on shuffle) I needed to hear to get back to being the happy positive person I need to be.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    If I'm on the elliptical or bike it's easy for me to read a book but that's impossible to do when I'm running which is kind of a bummer because I love reading.

    On the treadmill I kind of zone out really. It's like I'm in a trance. I pick an object in the distance and I just focus on it. Kind of weird. All the machines in our gym have TV's so that's another option for me.

    The towel over the clock thing works well for me also. It makes the time go by way faster.
  • SpiveyMay
    SpiveyMay Posts: 20 Member
    I like music when I run, but I usually run four days a weeks so sometimes it can get tiresome. I just started listening to physics lecture podcasts. You should be able to find podcasts for any topic that interests you, for me it's science.