Hello from Germany! :)



  • palienpalle
    palienpalle Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everybody! First I wanna say that I am overwhelmed because of the response of you all.. Didn't expect so many nice people answering my post or adding me as a friend! Thank you very much!

    @Andreas: Danke fürs Willkommen heißen! =) Über ein paar Corrections würde ich mich gerne freuen!

    @ Sick_Beard: Danke! Bis jetzt genieße ich meinen Aufenthalt sehr!

    @ TamAD48: Thank you very much. I think MFP is very addictive so I think Ill be on the site daily too!

    @ danbooth79: Thank you! Unfortunately, I have never been to the United States but maybe someday... =)

    @ PepperJack123 : Thanks! How are you doin?

    @ 3under2: Hey thank you! I was 4 or 5 times in Sweden while my summerholidays... I had such a good time there..sweden is a really beautiful country!

    @monikainrio: Hallo Monika, wie ist es so in Rio? Bestimmt habt ihr besseres Wetter als wir. Und jaaa, was die Essenschandtaten angeht, kann ich fast garnichtmehr anders,...wenn man alles aufschreibt hat man eben die ultimale Kontrolle =)

    @Erika1962: Hallo Erika, grüße zurück aus dem nicht allzu entfernten Stuttgart! :D

    @SHBoss1673: Hallo! Der Satz war schon fast richtig , aber ich habe alles verstanden! Thank you very much for the nice lines =)

    @wildapril: Thank you... I have never been in Hamburg ): but I want to go there soooo much! Maybe I'm going to get there next summer!

    @LaMujerMasBon: Hey, oh an art buddy! Nice to meet you! I like graphic design aswell but I think there are a lot more people outside how can do this better than me so I stay at Animation and Concept Art =)

    @RavenKellie: Are you a German, too? (: Thanks for the kind words! Of course, I will add you!

    @bronnyd: Thank you! You can visit me someday so we can drink a german beer :D (not very good for the body) and then have a ride with the bike (good for the body) (:

    @Gail3260: Ich helfe Dir sehr gerne beim Deutsch üben! =)

    @pyrowill: Hallo, wie geht es Dir? Danke für's adden (:! Thank you for your wishes!

    @heidi_1990: Hello Heidi, I can help you to learn it =)! Just talk alot then everything flows!

    @vinini91: Hey, thank you for the kind words! Yes, motivation is the key! =) Where do you live in france? I applied to a filmschool there called Gobelins, but unfortunately the didn't want me to join ):

    @meginki: Danke! (:

    @Smokey19: Hey Kimberlee, sad to hear about your physical disable but I am sure we will have a nice time in here!

    @ilinx: Hey, ja ich hab das mit dem Kalorienmaximum schon gesehen.. ich habe vor ein paar Wochen eine Spirometrie bei mir durchführen lassen, da erfuhr ich dann dass ich einen Grundumsatz/Ruheumsatz von 1780 Kalorien habe.. da hab ich dann nochmal 200 Kalorien von abgezwackt. Laut MFP hätte ich da 1800 und noch was! Aber vielen Dank für die Tipps! Das Dranbleiben ist bei mir immer das Fragezeichen! (:

    @ljdsmit: Thank you! Will do this asap! (:

    Again, thank you to everyone =))! And sorry for my english, I hope its okay though!
    Have a nice day!
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    Hello everybody! First I wanna say that I am overwhelmed because of the response of you all.. Didn't expect so many nice people answering my post or adding me as a friend! Thank you very much!

    @vinini91: Hey, thank you for the kind words! Yes, motivation is the key! =) Where do you live in france? I applied to a filmschool there called Gobelins, but unfortunately the didn't want me to join ):

    Again, thank you to everyone =))! And sorry for my english, I hope its okay though!
    Have a nice day!

    I usually live in Paris, I'm just staying in Normandie for a bit :) Sorry to hear about the school :/

    Don't worry about your English, people are really sweet here (most of them at least lol) and they don't criticize our grammar :)
