PseudoTumor Cerebri



  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I never drank/used caffeine before and was told after my spinal tap/ epidural blood patch that I NEEDED to drink caffeine, so I have been, after doctors orders. They also suggested I limit my water intake, which sounded ridiculous to me... any thoughts?
    I hadn't heard of drinking less water, that is new to me. I drink Coke daily and was told to cut down on it, but when I do I get horrible caffeine headaches since my body has become addicted to large amounts of caffeine. If your Dr told you this though I would trust them until told differently.
  • ThePilotsGirl
    ThePilotsGirl Posts: 30 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hey ladies! Congrats on your remission! I've got a question diagnosed 2013, on diamox. This past year I've been on extended release makes a big difference in side effects, but in summer it's hell. I try to keep my potassium in a good range and it helps with dehydration. Anyway my last visit I was down only 4 lbs, but my nuero was really happy. He said swelling was pretty much gone. Told me to keep up the weightloss and come back in 6 months. I'm down 14 lbs now and side effects I got rid of Are back (joint aches usually due to dehydration no matter how hard I try and yee old numb tingle). Now that I've lost 14 is it possible I need to bring my dose down?? He wanted to see me at total of 30 down, but fuuuh headaches are gone, only thing hurting me right now is the diamox!! How does tapering off usually go? I guess I'll call the jerk... I mean nuero and ask for a sooner appt. I'm over diamox, and I've been feeling fine except it's side effects! Okay I guess that was a rant, but I needed to vent. I think you all understand! :)
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    ThePilotsGirl I would call your neuro and tell him about this and see what he says. I can't give advice on tapering off since my stubborn *kitten* just stopped taking it cold turkey. I never felt better. I stopped taking it MONTHS before my neuro told me I could stop taking it. I had only lost 7lbs when I stopped taking it too.
    I can say that I still get vertigo from time to time and he wants me to take a supplement for it, but I haven't started taking it yet.
    I hope you can gets things figured out! I HATED the diamox. It made my hands and feet tingle if I put weight on them for longer than a minute or when my hands/feet got cold.