First post - hopefully not last! (and a question)

Hi all~

I've been using MFP for two solid weeks now - checking in and accounting for every calorie every day. I think that might be my personal best for food journaling! I really appreciate how easy it is to use. So, after two weeks: 6 lbs lost, 253 (yes, 253) to go!

Question - I'm doing a low calorie diet, roughly 1100 calories per day (with doctor's supervision), and exercising every day. My first week I lost 6 pounds, which I sort of expected (new diet, much lower calories), but the second week I actually gained 0.8 pounds! I have not "cheated" with food - I wrote down exactly what I had every day, and kept up the exercise. What's going on? Anybody have a similar experience? I was down a pound or so mid-week, but back up this morning. I'm seeing my doc again on the 11th, so if I haven't seen a good weight loss by then I'll be asking him about it, but just wondered if anybody here has gone through the same thing.

Thanks! Any feedback, tips, trick, or encouragement would be greatly appreciated.


  • jcompton3821
    Sounds like your doing great!!! .08 lbs is nothing!!! Keep up the hard work and you'll keep doing great!!!
  • ccdo
    ccdo Posts: 217
    u probably lost water weight to start with and then the actual weight loss will begin try fittin ur clothes on or measure ur self up time to time to see weight loss achieved thats how i would go about it

    when u start a diet in my opinion you loose water weight first then actual weight or fat loss hope this helps :flowerforyou:
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Your body probably got a shock after the change in diet and weight loss so generally week 2 is going to be lower weight loss. Give your body a few more weeks to get used to your new diet and exercise routine and you should start seeing regular results. Your time of the month will affect your numbers too so don't sweat it. I recommend measuring your waist and hips every 2-3 weeks; that might show more progress than your weight as you slim down (building muscle can offset weight loss).
  • rustyroof
    Sounds like you lost water and didnt eat enough so your body is in stavation mode and is holding on to the weight, make sure your spacing your meals and drink loads of cold water.

    Time of the month wont help either, but dont be down hearted next week will be better

    KEEP GOING !!!
  • sarahkatie28
    I had the exact thing happen to me too. The first like 2 weeks I lost 8 pounds and then I went up a pound and now I'm back down that pound. :explode: I agree with CCDO I think you might lose water weight first. OR it could be that since you are on such a restricted calorie diet your body panics and wants to hang on to the fat you have, just keep going and the weight will come off I promise.

    Also, try not to weigh yourself too much. I totally have that problem. I sometimes weigh myself several times a week. Keep in mind that your body is going to fluctuate a little with water from day to day. So try and wiegh yourself only once a week.

    Be sure to keep monitored by your doctor because 1100 calories is probably a big drop from what you are use to. Listen to your body it will tell you if something is wrong and if you have questions, ask your doctor!

    Good luck!!! :flowerforyou:
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Way to go on the initial weigh loss, and the dedication to your diet. A few things to be aware of, as it pertains to your situation.

    1. 1100 calories is going to be way below your BMR. That means that your body is initially going into the starvation mode. Your initial weigh loss was due to the low calories, water weight loss, etc... The weight gain was most likely due to your body reacting to the starvation mode. Check with your doctor when you see him next.

    2. You have a lot of weight to lose, so you will become a pro at this... however, don't let a flat week or even an increase derail your efforts. I bet even as you were gaining the weight you now have, you had weeks where you "accidently" lost weight. I know it is hard to stay motivated when the scale goes up, but remember that weight is only 1 measure of your success. Your clothes are another. The way you feel about yourself is another.

    3. When you are not feeling motivated... go for a walk. When you are feeling discouraged... go for a walk. When you are facing a setback... go for a walk. And always look for some support on MFP!!!