good calories, bad calories

Okay, so I just have one question. I understand we all should he making healthy choices in what we eat. For the past couple I have been doing that, and staying under my goal, or if I pass it, its just a couple hundred over. Well the question is this morning I had a hearty breakfast simply because I feel like I needed it for energy and something to stick to me, but now I'm wondering if I messed up by doing this. I had a biscuit with sausage and gravy and 3 scrambled eggs with some orange juice to wash it all down. It came out to just over 1000 calories and I still have over 900 left for the day which I know I can manage. I just want to know if it will still set me back because that wasn't exactly the healthiest breakfast. Anyone have any input?


  • hipsdontlie1
    hipsdontlie1 Posts: 294 Member
    To gain a pound you need to eat 3500 calories over your daily expenditure. You will be ok, just try to stay within your daily limit and maybe next time, I'm sure if you lost the sausage and gravy then the calories would be a lot lower. Try buying some lean ham to have with your breakfast or turkey bacon! Eggs are great though! Try not to worry about it and just make healthy choices for the rest of the day!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    If you want to have 1000 calories for breakfast and then spread the rest out go for it.

    Some people, like myself, eat relatively little until the evening.

    All approaches are valid, it all depends on what is comfortable and sustainable for you.

    The only thing not healthy about your breakfast is that it didn't contain bacon IMO ;)
  • kiwit22
    kiwit22 Posts: 14 Member
    One meal is not going to set you back especially if you stick to calories.

    You MIGHT, POTENTIALLY, POSSIBLY get bloating from the additives or a reaction to the wheat but it won't cause fat gain.

    Essentially it is calories in v calories out. Eating healthy helps because you get more for your buck but if you can eat what you want within your calorie allocation go for it!
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I almost always have at least my 5 a day and plenty of protein. The rest of the calories I do whatever the hell I want with and it hasn't affected my weight loss.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Do what works for you-I try to eat smaller dinners but bigger lunches or breakfasts unless I know I'm going out for dinner somewhere. I find that after a long run the night before, I need something more than a couple hundred calories myself.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    there is nothing 'bad' about scrambled egg, or sausage if it is good quality! i am presuming you are american, so its not a biscuit as us english know it, but i dont think your breakfast sounds awfully bad...

    as other people have said, if a big breakfast suits theres nothing wrong with it, and if you balance out your macros for the rest of the day then i wouldnt worry about it at all!