20 questions about you.



  • LeighAnna115
    1. What is your eye color?

    2. What is youre favorite season?

    3. What is your favorite Holiday?

    4. Have you ever been arrested?

    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now?
    My iPad and my puppy

    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die?

    7. What is in your purse/wallet?
    ID, cash

    8. Playstation or Xbox?
    Never played either

    9. Have you ever met any celebs?

    10. Smooth or crunchy?

    11. Do you have any addictions?
    .. Not that I know of.

    12. What is your fave animal?
    My dog :)

    13. What color is your underwear right now?
    Not wearing any

    14. Mermaids or unicorns?

    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now?

    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*?

    17. Could you live without a computer?

    18. Fave websites?
    MFP, Pinterest.

    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet?
    Yes... student with a thesis to research.

    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you?
    I was named after my grandfather..
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    1. What is your eye color? Brown
    2. What is your favorite season? Late Spring/Early Summer (from about the middle of April through middle of June)
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? My Birthday (that should totally count!!!)
    4. Have you ever been arrested? No
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? Low Sodium V-8 juice & a black Sharpie
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? I'd rather know how
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? Mostly electronics - Kindle Fire, Cell Phone, MP3 player, chargers for each, portable speaker & its charger, wallet with old receipts, a couple of pair of earrings, 2 emergency tampons, some Mio, my work ID badge & some latex free condoms
    8. Playstation or Xbox? I don't game because I use that time to workout (we do have a Wii at home though)
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? I met a few authors and Broadway actors and one National Geographic photographer
    10. Smooth or crunchy? Smooth
    11. Do you have any addictions? Not any more
    12. What is your fav animal? Cats... they're independent and funny when you bathe them
    13. What color is your underwear right now? Nude since I'm wearing black tights
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? Unicorns
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? I'm on my lunch break, so wtf I wanna do
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? yes, and you liked it
    17. Could you live without a computer? i could technically still live, but would i enjoy it - no
    18. Fav websites? Humortrain.com is pretty cute & Damnyouautocorrect.com used to be funny before they jacked with the format
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? Yes, a large portion of my job is internet related, so i spend that much time online every day, M-F
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? Only one other that is a local environmental educator
  • mississippi_queen
    mississippi_queen Posts: 483 Member
    1. What is your eye color?
    Brown.... Dark brown
    2. What is youre favorite season?
    3. What is your favorite Holiday?
    4. Have you ever been arrested?
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now?
    My phone and a ruler
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die?
    Neither, I don't wanna know
    7. What is in your purse/wallet?
    It's like pandora's box.... Full of mysterious and unknown items
    8. Playstation or Xbox?
    9. Have you ever met any celebs?
    10. Smooth or crunchy?
    Crunchy. Always crunchy...
    11. Do you have any addictions?
    Diet Coke, MFP, My phone
    12. What is your fave animal?
    13. What color is your underwear right now?
    14. Mermaids or unicorns?
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now?
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*?
    Nope... But you wished I did!
    17. Could you live without a computer?
    Yes but not without my phone
    18. Fave websites?
    MFP obviously......
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet?
    Yes everyday at work! Lol
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you?
    Only 1 person
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    1. What is your eye color? - Brown.. somewhat yellow/hazel.
    2. What is youre favorite season? - Winter.
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? I don't really care for holidays.
    4. Have you ever been arrested? Nope.
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? Germ-x and a stapler.. I'm at my desk at work.
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? I'd rather know how.
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? Wallet, phone, work ID.. basically a plethora of other useless items.
    8. Playstation or Xbox? Playstation.
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? Of course. I'm pretty sure everybody has at some point.
    10. Smooth or crunchy? Crunchy.
    11. Do you have any addictions? Nope, no addictions.
    12. What is your fave animal? Probably turtles.
    13. What color is your underwear right now? Black.
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? Neither.
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? ...working. lol
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? :blushing:
    17. Could you live without a computer? Of course, but I'd have to find a different job.
    18. Fave websites? MFP, BMEzine, Youtube
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? Every dayyyyy at work.
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? I don't know any personally, but my name is really common.
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    1. What is your eye color? Blue
    2. What is youre favorite season? The transition between summer and fall
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? Halloween
    4. Have you ever been arrested? Not yet ;)
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? iPhone and my staple taker-outer
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? When, gotta take care of the bucket list
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? Headphones, kleenex, 2x lipstick, chapstick, condoms (prolly expired...), a copy of the collective agreement, 3 pens, my chequebook, wallet with like $15 in it, various membership cards...it's like a black hole in there people!
    8. Playstation or Xbox? Xbox!
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? Molly Shannon
    10. Smooth or crunchy? Crunchy - wait, what are we talking about here?
    11. Do you have any addictions? Coffee, running
    12. What is your fave animal? Rabbit
    13. What color is your underwear right now? Purple with rhinestones
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? Mermaid!
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? Prepping for an arbitration hearing for a grievance.
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? *looks awkwardly* but it's so nice!
    17. Could you live without a computer? Nope, I need mah interwebz!
    18. Fave websites? www.toplessrobot.com
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? Yes +++ Goddamn WoW...
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? 1, the lady whom inspired my name.
  • madworld1
    1. What is your eye color? bluish
    2. What is youre favorite season? spring
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? christmas
    4. Have you ever been arrested? yes
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? mouse and lamp
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? neither
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? bunch of crap
    8. Playstation or Xbox? playstation
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? no
    10. Smooth or crunchy? crunchy
    11. Do you have any addictions? yes
    12. What is your fave animal? dog
    13. What color is your underwear right now? blue and turqouise
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? unicorns
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? getting ready for a hair appt
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? probably, I do that sometimes
    17. Could you live without a computer? i guess if i had to
    18. Fave websites? MFP, Pinterest, runners world
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? no way
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? no one
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    1. What is your eye color? My eyes change colors. Some days they are light blue, somedays dark blue, somedays light green, somedays hazel...
    2. What is youre favorite season? Spring
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? Christmas... So much giving :smooched:
    4. Have you ever been arrested? Nope.... Never got caught:bigsmile:
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? pen and notebook
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? When
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? Gum, clorox to go wipes, Emergy strips, two wallets. post-its, extra strength tylenol, powder foundation, perfume, receipts. lipgloss, keys, a lid
    8. Playstation or Xbox? xbox
    9. Have you ever met any celebs?nope
    10. Smooth or crunchy? both
    11. Do you have any addictions? yep chewing on random ****... I'm like a 7 month old, everything goes to my mouth
    12. What is your fave animal? doggies
    13. What color is your underwear right now? Hehe no comment :blushing:
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? unicorns
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? working
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? yeah, so?
    17. Could you live without a computer? nope
    18. Fave websites? myfitnesspal, toysrus, wal-mart, ucbi
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? yep, my job
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? a **** ton
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    1. What is your eye color? Brown
    2. What is youre favorite season? Fall or Spring
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? Thanksgiving
    4. Have you ever been arrested? No
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? A vibrator and Astroglide
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? Neither. I want it to be a mystery.
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? Credit Cards, ID, Rewards Cards, Cash
    8. Playstation or Xbox? Xbox
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? Yes.
    10. Smooth or crunchy? Crunchy
    11. Do you have any addictions? No
    12. What is your fave animal? Elephants
    13. What color is your underwear right now? Neon Green
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? Mermaids
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? Nothing, I'm playing hooky from work.
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? Always.
    17. Could you live without a computer? Yes. I have a smartphone.
    18. Fave websites? MFP, Lumosity, Cracked.com, www.thebeautythinktank.com
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? Yes, when I was sick and bored.
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? 0
  • brianfmatthews
    brianfmatthews Posts: 22 Member
    1. What is your eye color? brown
    2. What is youre favorite season? summer
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? christmas
    4. Have you ever been arrested? no
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? water bottle and my keyboard
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? neither
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? cards and my license
    8. Playstation or Xbox? nope
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? Joe Biden, Paul Pierce
    10. Smooth or crunchy? both
    11. Do you have any addictions? yes
    12. What is your fave animal? cat
    13. What color is your underwear right now? white
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? no
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? work
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? sure
    17. Could you live without a computer? of course
    18. Fave websites? nytimes.com
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? no
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? too many to count
  • muffintop20
    muffintop20 Posts: 18 Member
    1. What is your eye color? Hazel/Green
    2. What is youre favorite season? Autumn
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? Christmas!
    4. Have you ever been arrested? Nope
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? Ipad and Big Bang Theory Box set
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? No
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? My cards
    8. Playstation or Xbox? Xbox
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? Yeah
    10. Smooth or crunchy? Crunchy
    11. Do you have any addictions? Nope
    12. What is your fave animal? Giraffe
    13. What color is your underwear right now? Pink
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? Unicorns
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? My Uni assignment
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? Of course...
    17. Could you live without a computer? Nope
    18. Fave websites? Twitter, allthetallthings, MFP and facebook
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? Yeah, doing work though!
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? three
  • MonicaLee92
    1. What is your eye color? Hazel
    2. What is youre favorite season? Summer
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? Christmas
    4. Have you ever been arrested? Nope
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? Tea, Phone
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? When
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? Wallet: Money, Credit Cars, Id's, Coupons, Business Cards
    Purse: Wallet, Notebook, Pens, Water, Insulin, Test Kit, Gloves, Cigs, Lighters, Chapstick, Keys, Knife, Glasses, Febreeze, Birthcontrol, Mints lol
    8. Playstation or Xbox? Playstation
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? Not big ones
    10. Smooth or crunchy? Smooth
    11. Do you have any addictions? Smoking, Food, Internet
    12. What is your fave animal? Dogs
    13. What color is your underwear right now? Black, Red, and Grey
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? Mermaids
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? Working
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? Yes
    17. Could you live without a computer? Could I live without one? Yes. Would I want to? Nah.
    18. Fave websites? The Chive, Myfitnesspal, Facebook
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? Yes
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? First name only: 3
  • mrook2009
    mrook2009 Posts: 64 Member
    1. What is your eye color? - Brown/Green

    2. What is youre favorite season? - Fall

    3. What is your favorite Holiday? - Christmas

    4. Have you ever been arrested? - Only once a LONG time ago when I was young and dumb.

    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? - My pathophysiology book (in school for nursing) and my ipod touch.

    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? - No

    7. What is in your purse/wallet? - My wallet, lotion, body spray, chapstick, keys.

    8. Playstation or Xbox? - Playstation

    9. Have you ever met any celebs? - My freshman year of high school we were going to Florida to preform at Disney World (Yes, I used to be in the marching band. Quit after we went to FL though). But anyways, I'm from Nebraska and we went to the airport in Omaha and there was O Town. They're a boy band that was somewhat popular in 2000. Tom Osbourne if you consider him a celebrity.

    10. Smooth or crunchy? - Smooth

    11. Do you have any addictions? - smoking, food, internet

    12. What is your fave animal? - cats

    13. What color is your underwear right now? - What underwear? lol.

    14. Mermaids or unicorns? - Unicorns

    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? - Taking a shower and homework

    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? - Nope, happily married woman right here. ;)

    17. Could you live without a computer? - NO WAY! lol.

    18. Fave websites? - MFP and FB

    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? - Nope

    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? - 3
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    1. What is your eye color? BROWN
    2. What is youre favorite season? FALL
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? CHRISTMAS
    4. Have you ever been arrested? NO
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? CUP OF WATER & CELL PHONE
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? HOW
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? PURSE = MAKEUP, PENS, WALLET, LOTIO, HEADPHONES & PAINPILLS
    8. Playstation or Xbox? XBOX
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? NOPE
    10. Smooth or crunchy? CRUNCHY
    11. Do you have any addictions? DR. OZ
    12. What is your fave animal? ZEBRA
    13. What color is your underwear right now? NEON YELLOW
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? UNICORNS
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? WORKING
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? I WAS JUST ABOUT TO ASK YOU THE SAME THING!! :blushing:
    17. Could you live without a computer? NOPE
    18. Fave websites? MFP, YAHOO, PORNHUB...LMAO
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? NO
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? NONE
  • Aello11
    Aello11 Posts: 312 Member
    1. What is your eye color? Hazel
    2. What is youre favorite season? wow emmm Spring/Fall
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? Samhain
    4. Have you ever been arrested? no
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? iPhone and Laptop
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? When
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? CC/DL and best friends address
    8. Playstation or Xbox? Xbox
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? No
    10. Smooth or crunchy? Smooth
    11. Do you have any addictions? Not anymore
    12. What is your fave animal? dog
    13. What color is your underwear right now? lol who says I am wearing any?!? black with pink ribbons
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? Mermaids
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? shhhh working
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? I did I hope you liked it :flowerforyou:
    17. Could you live without a computer? yes (just don't touch my phone)
    18. Fave websites? google, mfp, espn
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? probably ( I might not have been sitting there the whole time)
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? 0
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    1. What is your eye color? Blue
    2. What is youre favorite season? Spring
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? Christmas
    4. Have you ever been arrested? Nope
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? cell phone, bottle of water
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? not sure
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? credit cards, recipes, pull-up, hair bows
    8. Playstation or Xbox? neither
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? nope
    10. Smooth or crunchy? smooth
    11. Do you have any addictions? no, but I have spurts where I'm addicted to one thing but I move on after a week or so
    12. What is your fave animal? dog
    13. What color is your underwear right now? baby blue
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? mermaids
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? working
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? yes, and you liked it
    17. Could you live without a computer? yes, I'm usually on my phone
    18. Fave websites? MFP or Facebook
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? Nope
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? 3
  • smtillman2
    smtillman2 Posts: 756 Member
    1. What is your eye color? Green/Hazel/Yellow depends on what I'm wearing
    2. What is youre favorite season? Spring
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? Christmas and Halloween
    4. Have you ever been arrested? Not yet
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? Pen and Post Its
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? No
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? Money, Credit Cards, Pen, Check Book, Lip Gloss, Mascara, Keys, Receipts, Cell Phone, Hand Sanitizer, Gum, etc...
    8. Playstation or Xbox? Neither
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? Michael Bay and Josh Duhamel
    10. Smooth or crunchy? Smooth
    11. Do you have any addictions? Popcorn and Birthday Cake
    12. What is your fave animal? Turtle
    13. What color is your underwear right now?
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? Mermaids
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? Working
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? Nope
    17. Could you live without a computer? No
    18. Fave websites? Myfitnesspal, Pinterest, Etsy, and Facebook
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? Yes
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? Just one
  • sicoe17
    sicoe17 Posts: 120 Member
    1. Hazel
    2. Fall
    3. Christmas
    4. Handcuffed in the back of a cop car, yes. Charged with anything or been incarcerated, no.
    5. One of my cats and an Xbox controller.
    6. Neither, at all. If I had to choose I guess I'd say when. That seems slightly better then being afraid of something for the rest of your life. Plus, then you could go f*cking nuts on your last full day without fear of consequences.
    7. A bunch of random plastic and a few receipts.
    8. Both, and wii.
    9. Kirk Camaron, he's a douche.
    10. Crunchy, and natual. If I wanted candy I'd eat a Reese's.
    11. Food, cigarettes.
    12. Lemurs.
    13. I don't wear underwear.
    14. Mermaids.
    15. Cleaning my kitchen.
    16. And I'd do it again!
    17. Yes, but I couldn't live without books.
    18. Wiki.
    19. Yes.
    20. None.
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    1.blueish green
    3 Halloween
    4 no
    5 water bottle and almonds
    6 when that way I can get everything done that I want to do.
    7 credit cards, point cards and Id
    9 yep
    10 crunchy
    11 a vague loose leaf tea addiction
    12. Siberian tiger
    13 black and blue
    14 mermaids
    15 working but I don't want
    16 yep and you enjoyed it ;)
    17 as long as I can keep my iPad
    18 mpg textsfromlastnoght and reddit
    19 work doesn't count right? If not then never.
    20 too many.
  • Cullodena
    1. What is your eye color? Hazel
    2. What is youre favorite season? Fall
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? Halloween
    4. Have you ever been arrested? Yes
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? My phone and a glass of water
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? Eeek...I'd rather know when
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? Cash, lipstick, business cards, ID, debit card, LOTS of change, eye liner, mascara
    8. Playstation or Xbox? neither
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? yes, a few
    10. Smooth or crunchy? crunchy
    11. Do you have any addictions? Yes, mainly online activity
    12. What is your fave animal? My puppy :P
    13. What color is your underwear right now? Neon orange & white stripes with lace
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? Unicorns
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? Working
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? Hahaha...Of course not.
    17. Could you live without a computer? Nope
    18. Fave websites? Mashable, Pinterest, Tumblr, Lifehack
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? Probably
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? 3 or 4...When I was growing up, I was the only one
  • Marksman21
    Marksman21 Posts: 126 Member
    1. Chocolate
    2. Between Fall and Winter
    3. Christmas
    4. Nope. I keep my nose clean.
    5. Diet Coke & my Laptop
    6. Neither, I know I'm going to die, what I care about is how much I can get outta life before I do!
    7. 3 things - Cash, Cards, and none of your business.
    8. PC! (...okay, maybe an XBOX360 too)
    9. I've seen Dan Marino in person and been 3 feet from Paul McCartney during a show!
    10. Crunchy
    11. I could tell ya, but then I'd hafta kill ya. >.> <.<
    12. Raccoon
    13. Wouldn't you like to know.
    14. Da f*q?
    15. Paying attention
    16. He did it. ^
    17. Could, but would be ungodly boring.
    18. GameTrailers
    19. Best 8 hours of straight gaming ever!
    20. None.