A little long, but I thought this Times article was fascinat

As I am waiting for my pants to dry, to head off to the gym, I was reading this. Had some interesting points.



  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    As I read that article, all I could think was 'RECORD EVERY DAMN CALORIE!' It seems to me that the two primary take away points were that left to our own devices we will neutralize our exercise efforts by one or both of two ways :

    1- We'll eat them back plus extra calories (burn 50 eat 200)

    2- We'll move less after exercise (still clean the house don't sit and chill!)

    Exercise can be a part of my weight loss as long as I log every calorie and keep moving!

    I've just started a stair counting contest at work - I'm going to make sure that in addition to my aerobic exercise this week - I get up every hour and walk the steps!