Hundredth time lucky?

Once again starting to do the whole tracking what I do thingy. I know I need to be positive to succeed but I've failed so many times before, I know exactly what I need to do to lose weight, I just can't seem to do it!!

I need people to just have a go at me, I need an angry personal trainer :P Help??


  • Cowboyzfan82288
    Cowboyzfan82288 Posts: 161 Member
    You can do this. Just stay positive. Don't let anyone sidetrack you. One pound at a time. That's all any of us can do. That's how each person that lost has gotten to where they are. Hang in there, there are alot of super people here.

    You can do it! Feel free to add me if you'd like. My name is Mark.
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm not a personal trainer but what helps me is me being accountable for me. I don't do well with plans like Weight Watchers, etc. I make my own meals and just try to have more fruit and veges, cut down on my frying, etc. I count my calories because that truly works. Sometimes we just don't see how many calories we eat or how much calories are in certain foods per serving until we look it up. I haven't worked out in close to a month due to foot surgery but actually looking forward to get approval to work out, never thought I would ever say that...hahahaha. All in all, for me anyway, it's about not giving up on myself. All of us have bad days with food and going over our calories. We just have to learn that tomorrow is a clean slate and we have to do better that day. We have to surround ourselves with positive people and people who are also in this journey of making this a life change and not a diet. We have to ground out the background noise of negative thoughts and negative people who will do... I knew you couldn't keep on your diet...!!!

    What I learned also is if I want a piece of fried chicken then I'm going to have that. I just plan it for that day in my meal and that's what keeps me motivated to work out and maybe do extra minutes in my workout because I know that I'm going to have something fried. All foods are in moderation. I don't have a food addiction, so maybe people who have food additions, that isn't the best way to go. All in all, you have to find what works for you and go for it. Set goals to lose weight. They said 1-2 pounds a week is healthy.

    Just don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day but don't let that bad day turn in to a bad week of eating... Good luck and you will do great. All of us have tried numerous times but then when the attitude change to getting healthy and looking at it as a lifestyle change instead of DIET...something more clicks inside - at least it did for me. Please add me as friend, would love to be part of your healthy journey.
  • Beth24793
    Beth24793 Posts: 63 Member
    I feel like i have done this a million times so i am in the exact same boat as you :(

    Feel free to add me :)
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Don't quit trying!

    Now get off your behind and go walk the stairs 3 times! (is that mean enough??)
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    Maybe you didn't have a good support system at the time? It's very important!

    Also maybe you don't fix realistic short-term goals so you only see all the weight you have to lose. You can build and keep your motivation by fixing and meeting small goals (step by step).

    Anyway, good luck with your weightloss journey (you can do it!) and feel free to add me if you want :)

  • peanutbutterpretzels
    I'm in the same position as you!! feel free to add me :) I think the reason I've been 'failing' is because i've never had anybody to ask my questions to...maybe it's the same for you!

    <3 lulu
  • EliJade22
    EliJade22 Posts: 4 Member
    Thankyou @Yowza101, good advice there. I decided I needed to sort out my diet tonight and after adding everything I'd eaten today I'm already over the calorie count. Was a bit of an eye opener as I didn't think I had eaten that much today!

    @Beth24793 I will do!

    @nancybuss I think that's mean enough!! I just did my rowing fitness session, is that good enough?? :P

    @vinini91 I think you've just summed me up, I hate waiting for the 2 pounds a week to drop, I just want it done straight away so just end up starving myself then putting all back on. I just need to realise that it's going to take time and wanting to lose like half a stone a week is in no way realistic. Thankyou! and i will do. x