
Kittany Posts: 31 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I had a question, can anyone explain the benefits of 100% Whey Protein in weight loss? I just bought some, but I wanted to know the non-scientific explanation. If someone could dumb it down for me lol!

Also, I have been doing a hard scale aerobics class, this is my 5th week doing it. I'm a big big big girl. So it's hard on me and I sweat like crazy. Not to mention sore for days after. But I love it. I eat under my calories each day, but I have actually gone UP in weight the last 2 weeks. I went up 3 pounds last week and 3 pounds this week. What is going on? I write down every little taste, nibble, bite. etc. I don't "drink" my calories either. What is going on? I work out Sunday - Friday and take Saturday off. Am I doing something wrong? Is there something wrong with me? I watch my sodium intake also because I have high blood pressure.

Any thoughts, answers, questions are welcome. Please!


  • First don't fret about going up in pounds muscle weighs more but is leaner..... you should go by inches not pounds. Okay so the whey protein...... I could be completely wrong about this but the benefit is that it helps you build lean muscle mass, but i was told by my dietian that your body can't break down more than a certain amount at a time so be careful with that. Protein also boosts your immune system. The other benefit is that lean proteins leave you feeling full for longer. So if you are eating a low calorie diet it helps you stick to it.
  • I had a question, can anyone explain the benefits of 100% Whey Protein in weight loss? I just bought some, but I wanted to know the non-scientific explanation. If someone could dumb it down for me lol!

    Also, I have been doing a hard scale aerobics class, this is my 5th week doing it. I'm a big big big girl. So it's hard on me and I sweat like crazy. Not to mention sore for days after. But I love it. I eat under my calories each day, but I have actually gone UP in weight the last 2 weeks. I went up 3 pounds last week and 3 pounds this week. What is going on? I write down every little taste, nibble, bite. etc. I don't "drink" my calories either. What is going on? I work out Sunday - Friday and take Saturday off. Am I doing something wrong? Is there something wrong with me? I watch my sodium intake also because I have high blood pressure.

    Any thoughts, answers, questions are welcome. Please!

    I don't really know too much about Whey Protein, sorry! It sounds like your doing a great job with the exercise, congrats! You will be gaining more muscle mass, and even though you may not be losing pounds, measure yourself.

    Read the sticky notes on this board because as far as I can tell from your post " I eat under my calories each day, but I have actually gone UP in weight the last 2 weeks"...your under eating so your body is storing up. You should be eating all of your calories (with healthy foods). Also, on the days you work ou you should eat at least half of your exercise calories. Hope this helps!
  • bkeeldo
    bkeeldo Posts: 28 Member
    Have you taken your measurements? I finally did (after being told many times) and it is very motivating when you don't have a big loss on the scale. Even though muscle and fat technically weight the same (a pound is a pound) muscle doesn't take up as much space as fat does. That's why taking your measurements can be so helpful
  • I drink a glass a day of it and it does seem to keep me fuller! But it is for muscle building and repair. A friend of mine swears by it, so I thought I'd try it! I bought the brand Kroger sells 'Naturally' - something or other chocolate flavored. Its very good! :)
  • Lily said it best. Whey protein builds lean muscle. Lean muscle is the pilot light of our system. We need to keep that light lit so by fueling it with whey protein, it enables us to keep that light lit which in turn helps to keep our metabolism kicking and burning those fat calories.
  • Also, make sure you drink your 8 - 8oz glasses of water or 3 of those 32oz water bottles per day. If you don't, you body
    has a hard time getting rid of the fat you burn. If I miss my water for even a couple days, my weight goes up in pounds!
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