What do you trust to tell you how much to eat!?

I am short little lady coming in at only 4'9. I currently weigh 145 pounds and I'm on my journey to lose 25ish pounds. Now I have read a trillion differnt things, all from peoples personal opinions to magazins to tv shows to books, on how many calories we are suppose to eat on a daily basis. I personally belive that 1200 calories a day is just too low. Mainly because I would like to make this a lifestyle change to be a more fit healthier me and I have tried eating only 1200 calories a day and I'm usually still hungry so that isn't something I would be able to stick to. Plus if my body is telling me that I am hungry then apparently I need more then 1200 calories a day. (and yes I know the differece between bordom eating and actually being hungry by now lol)

I would like to know how and where you guys get your calorie info and which info you trust and how you all have been successful.


  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Trial and error. Everything else is just an estimate.

    I recommend that people start at 10-12 calories per pound for weight loss and make adjustments from there based on progress. It makes sense to start a little higher then you think you need to, calories can always be reduced later.
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    I'm 5'2" and am consistently eating within the 1200 calories/day guideline. I also workout daily and I don't always eat the calories back. Often I'm not hungry and don't feel a need to eat those calories back. I find it just takes careful planning and retraining your brain what a reasonable serving size actually is.
  • hipsdontlie1
    hipsdontlie1 Posts: 294 Member
    I started out in the 1200 calorie range, I lost a good amount (15 pounds) eating at that but then I realized, really I AM hungry and I don't feel full of energy. so I kept upping my calories and when I did the pounds started to come off faster I found. I try to follow the TDEE less 20% way of calculating. I found a lot of people using this website to base their calories off of.


    Mine comes out to 1900 calories, and I was starting at 1200 so I upped to 1500 and I am gradually increasing each week by 50-100 calories. Just so that I can find out an amount that works good for me, where I am still losing but eating a good amount to feel energized and healthy. I hope this helps!
  • HitTheFloor
    HitTheFloor Posts: 11 Member
    While 1,200 doesn't seem like a lot of calories you can spread it out and use filling meals to make it feel better for you.

    Eat a lot of spinach, greens in general. Low calories and will make you feel full when added with a protein like chicken or tuna.
    Your complex carbohydrates is a good way to use it, however, most of these do contain a pretty high calorie measure so try to eat these around lunch to keep the full feeling until your last meal which should be more vegetables and a protein so that you don't binge snack late at night.

    If you find it impossible to stick to 1,200 calories then do exercise to burn calories so that you can eat more food.

    Do 500 calories burned in cardio or working out and you can eat 1,700 for the day.
  • Amanda82691
    Amanda82691 Posts: 298 Member
    While 1,200 doesn't seem like a lot of calories you can spread it out and use filling meals to make it feel better for you.

    Eat a lot of spinach, greens in general. Low calories and will make you feel full when added with a protein like chicken or tuna.
    Your complex carbohydrates is a good way to use it, however, most of these do contain a pretty high calorie measure so try to eat these around lunch to keep the full feeling until your last meal which should be more vegetables and a protein so that you don't binge snack late at night.

    If you find it impossible to stick to 1,200 calories then do exercise to burn calories so that you can eat more food.

    Do 500 calories burned in cardio or working out and you can eat 1,700 for the day.

    Thanks, but I'm not looking for someone to tell me what I should do. Just what you do and what works for you. I'm just trying to see what everyone else does to see if I can take from any of it to tweak my lifestyle to better help my weight loss. Good luck with all your goals :)
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    MFP put me at 1350 cpd to lose 1 pound a week. so I've been working with that, plus eating back at least part of my exercise calories.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    I bought a Fitbit back in May and use what it calculates as my TDEE, then cut 20%. I eat around 1900 a day.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Trial and error. Everything else is just an estimate.

    I recommend that people start at 10-12 calories per pound for weight loss and make adjustments from there based on progress. It makes sense to start a little higher then you think you need to, calories can always be reduced later.

    I came here to post essentially this...but as usual, FR got here first.

    Really, the starting point is mostly irrelevant. Pick a number...(FR's 10-12 per pound seems reasonable), then track consistently...after a few (maybe 4-6?) weeks, reevaluate where you are and the direction you're going. Are you making progress towards your goal at a reasonable rate? Keep doing what you're doing. Too slow? Tweak it down. Too fast? Tweak it up. Track consistently and reevaluate in a few more weeks. Repeat several times. Bask in the glory of your success.
  • trdepalo
    trdepalo Posts: 106
    Trial and error. Everything else is just an estimate.

    I recommend that people start at 10-12 calories per pound for weight loss and make adjustments from there based on progress. It makes sense to start a little higher then you think you need to, calories can always be reduced later.

    10-12 calories per pounds you are or per pounds you want to be?
  • I am a bit taller than you (5'1") and I have been working on 1700-ish a day. I calculated my TDEE with Fat2Fit or something... Actually I can't remember. All I know is it is working for me.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    TDEE - 20%
  • Chikipiwi
    Chikipiwi Posts: 117 Member
    Age: 32
    Height: 4' 11"
    SW: 118
    CW: 105.00
    Losing weight Cals: 1200 + workout cals

    I am now experimenting with maintnence now incresing 50 cals every other week ( am up to 1300 = workout cals).... I was never hungry when I was eating 1200. I always try to make the most by eating a lot of vegetables and lean meats... My diary is open if you want to take a look...
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    TDEE - 20%

    Yep. I've done 1200, 1400, and even 1700 (about my BMR at the time). It worked for awhile, but wasn't sustainable. TDEE-20% is sustainable and I'm still losing.
  • CottonCandyKisses
    CottonCandyKisses Posts: 246 Member
    My profile and diary are open if you want to take a peek. I'm 4'11, 32, and currently 103 pounds.