Sweet Potaoes...

I had the most awesome sweet potatoes today!! They are the white or yellowish ones. I scrubbed the outside then chopped them into small cubes. I then melted 1 tbsp of butter and mixed 1 tbsp of honey into the butter along w/ some nutmeg and cinnamon to taste, poured this mixture over the potatoes and then microwaved them until tender. Then I finished them up under the broiler for about 5-10 minutes. YUMMY!! I never knew I liked them w/o the brown sugar and marshmallows! LOL! It's amazing what you like when you just step out and try something new!


  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I love sweet potatoes! I made baked fries out of them tonight...amazing!
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    yum, that sounds delicious!
  • annastasia76
    annastasia76 Posts: 123 Member
    I like making mashed potatoes with them.

    cook 1/2 white potatoes and 1/2 sweet potatoes the way you normally would for mashed potatoes

    while that is cooking, slice and cook onions in a small amount of oil over low heat until soft and the mix is starting to turn brown (caramelized) you can also cook with garlic or roasted garlic, green/red peppers or anything you like.

    while mashing the potatoes add the onion mixture and mix thoroughly. also think about adding seasonings, paprika, chives, small amount of sour cream (I've never added but sounds good), chipotle, season it to match your meal.

    With this I have never needed to add any extra fat to it.