rotator cuff injury

Ok, last night I somehow injured my shoulder. I felt it before going to bed. I googled and figured it's an acute tear in my rotator cuff.
My question is can I still run? I'm going to wait and see if it goes away in a few days. I'm icing it as I type. Tomorrow is a run day and I don't want to miss it.


  • samseed101
    samseed101 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm coming up on the end of my physical therapy for my rotator cuff injury. But I was lucky enough to catch the problem and do something about it before it got worse.

    At any rate... running never bothered my r/c, even when it was at its worst. I know you swing the arm back and forth while running, but you probably don't rotate it internally or externally so it shouldn't cause too many problems.

    That being said, you should probably get it looked at just to be sure. It may not necessarily be what you think it is. And when it comes to shoulder problems, they can turn serious pretty fast.
  • itamer
    itamer Posts: 15 Member

    Rotator cuffs are common injuries for BMX racers (a sport I used to do) and you'd see these big strong guys who weren't allowed to hold a cup of tea in that hand for months. Must have driven them mad.

    Don't muck about, see a Physio and ask questions, listen and follow instructions. If you're stuck on a stationary bike for a month then so be it - you want it to heal nicely.
  • nyy03
    nyy03 Posts: 652 Member
    Thanks guys