Happy Thoughts

Us gals are so hard on ourselves... I can wake up in the morning and look an the mirror and rattle off a list of the things about my body that I hate. All the while completely ignoring the fact that I weight 15 pounds less than I did this time last year. I forget I'm now a whole pant size smaller and my "skinny" clothes now actually sort of fit.

I tried on a pair of jeans today at one of my favorite stores and "shockingly" fit in a pant size I haven't seen since high school! It may have taken me 12 whole months, and I may have eaten more cheese and chocolate than I probably should, but I should be realizing that I lost weight in the only way I knew how - by making better choices and squeezing in some physical activity every now and then :-)

It is amazing to me how mean I can be, especially to myself. If it were my friend, or sister, or husband who did this I'd be beaming with joy and pride. I'm so happy for those who achieve their goals. I need to practice being happy for myself.


  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Well said!

    In July of 2009 I tipped the scales at 197.5 pounds. I now weigh 162 pounds. 35.5 pounds total and 13 pounds since I started mfp(two months ago). But yet I am still so hard on myself every time I look in the mirror. I sometimes wonder what is the fight for or when will enough be enough.

    Just tonight I gave up the fight, although I am still under my calorie count for the day, I totally feel bad about eating a Little Debbie Star Crunch. How bad is that? :frown:
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    Thank you for this reminder to LOVE OURSELVES!!! I agree that we women are our worst critics and we need to stop! I have adopted a stategy recently that for every NEGATIVE thought I have about myself... I have to INSTANTLY thinking of 5 POSITVE things!!! Hopefully it will curb my tendancy to think negatively!!!

    Congrats on the weight loss... I can't wait to be in my "SKINNY" jeans!