
Hi, I have struggled with Hashimotos Hypothyroid disease since I was 8 years old. My doctors pretty much tell me that being "over weight" is something I will just have to deal with or don't eat. I have always been the chubby friend and I am so frustrated. I had lost about 28-30 lbs my senior year. A month after graduation I fell off a horse and broke my pelvis. Due to being in a wheel chair for 6 months I quickly gained the weight back. Since then I have struggled with the weight. I believe that the emotional toll of being overweight is the hardest part. I try to diet and get discouraged. I try exercising and GAIN weight. I would love for some tip! Thanks



  • cvillneauve
    I have the same thing and have been dealing with it for 11 years. I am overweight right now but I haven't always been. It is not impossible to stay fit with this disease but it is harder. Especially if you have a lot of fluctuations in your levels.

    I lost 60 lbs after gaining weight out of control. It took awhile and I only lost about 1-2 lbs a week, usually only 1. I had to hit the gym, hard. Cardio and resistance training 5 days a week. I watched my calorie intake but I was not really strict on what I ate.

    I quit going to the gym 5 years ago and the weight piled back on again. What can I say, maintenance is key! Guess I learned that lesson the hard way. I think we just have to work harder and stay diligent. We can't and shouldn't starve ourselves but we can burn extra calories by staying active!

    Now I am back where I started again..... a few years older and I am guessing an even slower metabolism to boot. I am watching what I eat more closely now, it has helped me lose some weight. I am focusing on the fitness training part of my lifestyle change this week. I know this will be instrumental in changing my body for good!

    It can be done!
  • kookeepup
    Hi Britttany I'm not sure if this would help but from watching the Dr. Oz show yesterday, he had a professional guest who is a naturalist and she talked about hormonal imbalance. I am reading a sample of her book right now The Hormone Diet by Natasha Turner and there she talked about her hypothyroidism as well. You might want to look into this book and maybe she can give you more insight on how to have better manage your thyroid problem? I downloaded the sample copy on my digital device and so far I am liking what I'm reading. Just a thought. Good luck in achieving your goal. Feel free to add me if you wish and hopefully I can help cheer you on :smile:
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I also have hypothyroid. I am on medication..but its not impossible to lose weight. I eat sensibly and workout...You dont have to be overweight...like your doc said..
    I would find another doc..and go from there
  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    I'd find another doctor! Being overweight can attract other hypothyroid-related diseases such as diabetes, fatty liver, high cholesterol and blood pressure... You name it. You need to stay healthy for as long as possible! You might need a higher medication dose
    Feel free to add me! :)
  • Britfitnessjourney
    Thanks everyone for your support! I am doing my best, and actually just found a new endocrinologist. Hopefully they will be more helpful!
  • cvillneauve
    Tell me how that goes. I have always gone to my regular family doctor and wondered if an endo would run additional tests, offer different feedback, advice, etc...
  • hjensen2263
    hjensen2263 Posts: 68 Member
    I am hypothyroid as well, and let me tell you, do not simply resign yourself to a life of weight gain. Get on thyroid supplements, eat right, exercise, SLEEP 8 HOURS! Sleep is huge. Good luck! Your not alone!
  • hilsidney
    hilsidney Posts: 93 Member
    I just recently got diagnosed hypothyroid and it sucks! It has really messed me up and I gained a bunch of weight really fast. My husband noted how hard I work just to lose a smidgen of weight. Now I'm on synthroid and it seems to be helping. I suddenly have more energy and don't feel achy and exhausted so much. I don't know about the weight loss yet as I just started the medicine 4 weeks ago, but I'm giving it my all. Feel free to add me if you want!