At what point....

At what point in your life did you finally buckle down and change your habits to lose the weight, and make a healthier lifestyle? I've always struggled with my weight. I'm not only predispositioned to being so, but as I've gotten older a lot is choice. As a teenager though, I put myself through anorexia, bulemia, and other crazy food/exercise rules. Even at my "thinnest" I was actually at my goal weight for my height! Depressing....but I understand that MY body wasn't designed to be supermodel skinny, and that's fine....I just want to look and feel better, and reap the benefits of health and energy. Now, being 100 lbs. from my goal weight, I've just gotten lazy. However, I've had several times in the past 2 years where I felt like "THIS IS IT!"....but it wasn't. I tracked my food here on MFP last year, and went to the gym on average 4 days per week, and within 6 months, I lost 20 lbs. That's a decent loss/time ratio....but I guess I felt obsessed with tracking my food, and nothing felt natural. I fell under the pressure, I suppose. So here I am AGAIN. I so badly want this, but I can't ever get myself to stick with it long-term. What gives? What helped push you through when you found yourself slacking or just flat out giving up? Advice welcomed....I don't want to continue to battle this forever.


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Your genetics do NOT make you over weight, nor do they predispose you to being over weight... you/your families eating habits do that. It only changes when you are ready to not make excuses and put the time in to educate yourself. If you understand there is no quick fix and you want to start to make eating healthy and exercise a priority, then you will be ready to get there. You may not be a size 0 (genetics does determine bone structure) but any women (short of a medical condition) can cut to low body fat. It may take a year or more but you can do it if you make it a priority.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    When you really wanna you will... but ya gottawanna! Each day, recommit to do the best that you can for a healthier you.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Your genetics do NOT make you over weight, nor do they predispose you to being over weight... you/your families eating habits do that. It only changes when you are ready to not make excuses and put the time in to educate yourself. If you understand there is no quick fix and you want to start to make eating healthy and exercise a priority, then you will be ready to get there. You may not be a size 0 (genetics does determine bone structure) but any women (short of a medical condition) can cut to low body fat. It may take a year or more but you can do it if you make it a priority.

    I started typing, then I saw this ^. So this^
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Also, here is how I did it and still do. If you concentrate on something else, like athletic performance or improve rep counts (make it into a game) combined with a small calorie deficit that is more conducive towards performance (20% less than your estimated TDEE)... they weight will just come off. For me, I rather see changes in the mirror than on the scale. The more I see abs or defined arms, the happier I become. Weight to me is meaningless and if you see it for that, then you can succeed easier. And I do this all with 2600-2800 calories a day.. and most women I see do it with 1700-2100+
  • juliesjuke
    juliesjuke Posts: 93 Member
    Hi. You can do this if you make a committment to yourself.Check out the blogs on here and get ideas from others that have gone/going threw the same thing.You have to be self motivated also,you are the only one that can do it for you.
    There is tons of support and encouragement here,so join in with everyone else and lose along with us.
    On your "home page' you can fill out your food and exercise everyday,that is crutial to your success.Good luck, i know that you can do this...:wink:
  • You have to decide if it is truly what you want. I am a stubborn person, always have been, my word is truly my bond. Once I decide I am going to do something, it is done. There simply is no room for changing my mind. I like motivational sayings and images, I Google them quite often, and I really like the image of a Knife and a Fork with the wording "Don't dig yourself an early grave". If your child, parent, sibling, was going to die a painful and early death if you did not lose the weight, you would lose it for them right? Of course you would, so why not lose it for yourself? How many fat 80 year old people do you see? You think there is a correlation? Lose the weight, for a longer healthier life.
  • Mathguy1
    Mathguy1 Posts: 207 Member
    Reading through what you wrote, all I hear are excuses that claim that your current situation is not your fault..

    Here are a few examples:

    "I'm not only genetically predispositioned " - You maintain a lifestyle for the body you want. Genetics have little or nothing to do with it.

    "That's a decent loss/time ratio....but I guess I felt obsessed with tracking my food, and nothing felt natural. I fell under the pressure, I suppose." - That was your old, lazy self fighting back, making excuses for you to stop. That voice won out as you've stopped what you were doing, and returned to your lazy, unhealthy lifestyle and resumed gaining weight.

    "I so badly want this, but I can't ever get myself to stick with it long-term. What gives?" - You keep listening to your inner, lazy voice and reverting back to your lifestyle of inactivity and over eating.

    Simply put, you need to change your unhealthy lifestyle to a healthy lifestyle. Your inner voice will continue making excuses until the changes you make become habit which will in turn become your new lifestyle and your inner voice will be one of encouragement and excitement for this new lifestyle. As you've experienced during your earlier weight loss, your inner voice began to like the physical changes you were making. Your body began to benefit from these changes (slept better at night, less joint pain, able to do physical activities, etc). However, and everyone has gone through this, one day you didn't feel like exercising or doing whatever you were doing before and your inner voice began making excuses. Then your inner voice spoke up about how happy you were with the progress of losing 20 lbs (no mention if that was near your goal weight). You weighed (no pun intended) your options and chose to quit. You chose to no longer eat sensibly. You chose not to exercise (assuming you were exercising).

    To answer your question, when you are done making excuses and really want this, you will make the necessary changes needed to achieve your goals. Until then, you will never make a permanent change.

    Once you've decided and ready to commit to creating a new lifestyle, there are numerous people available at MFP who will be happy to offer their advice on what has worked for themselves.