Being told 1200 cal a day= starvation mode



  • Miss_Mabee
    Miss_Mabee Posts: 119 Member
    This is news to me too! I work in retail and always wish customers a good rest of their day or weekend and did not realize that I was offending anyone. Now I know!

    Your response would be more useful if you told me what vcld means.

    Also, "have a nice day" is a flippant phrase that strikes we older folk in the same way a thumb flip off the noses does. Sorry to tell you that, but it doesn't create a sense of community here when you say things like that.

    Best wishes,


    Sorry, I did not mean it in that way at all! I always wish every one a lovely or nice day and honeslty mean it.

    Very Low Calorie Diet = VLCD

    :flowerforyou: Jeannine
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Do you want to live on 1200 forever? Me neither. Eat as much as you can and still slowly lose weight. IMO I'd never really drop anyone below 1500-1600 calories a day.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Starvation mode is only a myth and doesn't exist. If it did, you wouldn't see people in third world countries that are skin and bones from lack of calories.

    Everyone is different. You have to figure out what works for you. I've lost 100 pounds in 8 months eating 1200 calories. It works for me but it may not work for others.

    If you feel 1200 isn't enough, try to up it by 100 calories for a week and see how it goes. What works for one person, wont always work for the other.

    Good luck!
    How delightfully ignorant.

    Starvation mode is a term used to describe metabolic slowdown. It allows your body to survive on fewer calories in times of famine and take advantage of periods of abundance by storing the excess as fat.

    In third world countries, there are no periods of abundance.
  • RedBullLiz
    RedBullLiz Posts: 469 Member
    If you feel you're eating just fine without working out on 1200, then you have nothing to worry about.
    When you do workout, those burned cals, yeah, you do eat 'em back. Just try not to eat all of them back. Hehe.
    Would kinda defeat the purpose of exercising, right?? Hehe :D

    The reason they might mention that is probably because their food consists of too much empty cals.
    Like, food high in cals that don't fill you up. I dunno though. But that's what it sounds like.

    I'm not a professional or health doctor, it's just my opinion. We'll all learn eventually - through an actual nutritionist (;

    Good luck on your journey!!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Hello! So I was sharing w/ coworkers that I have recently started using MFP and that it gave me a daily calorie intake of 1200 (with the information of me wanting to lose 2lbs a week, & working 4x a week 1hr workouts)

    Just one major issue here.

    That exercise goal was merely a goal - nothing about it was counted in the math to figure out your daily goal.

    Your daily goal already has your deficit in it.

    When you now exercise, you have increased your daily burn, and your deficit, beyond smart and safe range.
    So that's why you get extra calories to eat back.

    Besides, 1200 is the lowest recommended level for safety reasons for a sedentary person. Are you doing NO exercise?

    Much like minimum building codes are purely for safety reasons, NOT for performance, longevity, or aesthetics.
    Do you want to be stronger, do this for longer, and actually look better? Then 1200 is probably not for you.
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    It depends on you and your own metabolism I think.......I had a metabolic test done a year ago and
    for my body response on their testing equipment ...etc..they had be all hooked said 1300 is
    what I needed a day to we age we need less food and that is kindof the cut and dry of it....
    I know if I eat 1500 or over too many days in a row I gain.....I also know that for my body if I stick at 1200 and under
    and exercise on a schedule i can loose about half a pound a week......
    It depends on your own body burn...if that makes any sense

    Yes, it does depend on your individual metabolism. I have had numerous tests. My metabolism is naturally low, and has been so my entire life. Normal hr for me is 60. Normal bp is 105/60. I am 6' tall and athletic. My brain works very well on 1000 calories per day. I have a phd in astrophysics and still work at solving mathematical equations every day.

    I reject the 1200 calorie starvation myth. Emphatically!
  • stbrad6896
    I say ignore everyone else's "expert" advice and listen to what you're body is telling you. If you feel fine and healthy on 1200cals then you probably are. If you feel drained, have no energy to work out, or have other health related problems then eat a bit more. 1200 is my daily goal and it suits me fine. Some days I'm under, some days I'm over, I think it all evens out in the end. I feel great, I have energy, I'm losing weight at a reasonable and steady pace, so I'll keep it this way.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Well, even with the fact that I entered "2lbs a week" in my settings, MFP still set me up loosing 1.5 lbs a 1200. I guess what I will do is stick with the 1200 for a week or two, see how it goes...then if I need to, adjust.

    Thanks for all the input guys, I appreciate it and find it all very interesting :smile:

    for me 1200 calories in the application only calculates to me losing 0.6 pounds a week. I don't buy it that this is too low. I lost over 20 pounds with this strategy.

    I haven't read the entire thread, but as others have said if you eat healthy foods, it should be easier to stick to 1200 calories. If you find that you feel starving and run down, definitely up the calories. That never happened to me though. I was fine on 1200.
  • GGJane
    GGJane Posts: 15
    I am not sure if medically it would be considered starvation mode because my previous doctor gave me that limit for calorie intake! Also she gave me the very same carb and fat limits, so I am thinking it was spot on! Some days when I drink all of my required water I just do not feel as hungry, so I seem to eat less. I guess we shall see how it plays out huh? I was given the 1200 calories a day too...we can do this!!! J
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    Im going to get boring now. I was born just after the 2nd world war when food was rationed there was no fast food we had to live on small amounts of cheese meat and whatever we grew or made with the little we had. Sweets chocolate were for special occasions , my father like most grew veg and kept chickens for meat and eggs, but do you know we were healthy no over weight kids people had to walk everywhere so we used the fuel we ate to live, and ...... guess what, no starvation mode no low metabolic rate people were healthy. i asked a doctor friend once about it, he said ....... in the war the people who were kept in prisoner of war camps never came out fat. People who even now dont have money or food in poor countries dont get fat they have to seek what they can to live. My message is WE SHOULD DO WHAT SUITS US, i eat more veg lean meats and fresh foods very similar to the way things were as a child. We over ate we got fat, we cut back it comes off, if we go back to eating to much then we get fat again.
    The simple thing is everyone should eat sensibly, and think of it not as a diet but a new way of life.
    Kathy jumps off soap box ....... have a good day.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    I started MFP in September. Age 53.menopausal.

    Step 1: 1200 cals. I did not eat back exercise calories, but I didn't exercise that much, either. I lost an average of 2 lbs. per week. Wow..that was speedy....but I was starving... I mean, I was so hungry all the time, I could have eaten the wallpaper.

    So, I started playing with the numbers:

    Step 2: I increased to 1500 and started riding a staionary bike every day. I ate back ALL the exercise calories. Doing it this way, I averaged .5 lb. per week. OK, a bit slower loss than Step 1, but I wasn't starving anymore. Still, I wanted it off

    Step 3: Last week, I went back to 1200, but I ate back only half my exercise calories. Lost only .5 lbs. this week. Doing it this way, I am losing at the same rate of speed as Step 2, so I decided to go back to Step 2 because I was able to eat more.

    My point being: Do what works for you. If you aren't getting the results you want, change it up. I don't think I have it right for me yet, but I'm working on it.
  • reneecgc
    reneecgc Posts: 179 Member
    In the beginning of my journey I had my calories set at 1200. I was told by many of my instructors it was too low. I also ate more on the days I did work out which at the time was 5 times a week. I struggled on the days I did not work out and I was hungry. I put my calories up to 1400 on my non workout days and around 1500 or more on my workout days. This being said I lost just as much weight if not more and I was not hungry. My philosophy is that if you are hungry you are doing something wrong. Good luck with your weight loss. I eat 1800-2100 calories a day now and I only workout 3 times a week. No problem maintaining. I lost 60lbs in a 6 month period. I weigh 155( I fluctuate between 152-155) at 5' 7" and I am a size 8. Just so you know people think I weigh 135lbs if 155lbs sounds like a lot.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Do you want to live on 1200 forever? Me neither. Eat as much as you can and still slowly lose weight. IMO I'd never really drop anyone below 1500-1600 calories a day.

    just because you lose weight on 1200 calories, why would that mean that you have to live on it forever? i think that any sort of calorie deficit could result in a metabolic slowdown. i don't believe that 1200 is some magic number. if you slowly up your calories to maintanance level after losing weight on 1200, i don't believe that will result in gaining it all back. just as your metabolism slowed down a little from eating less, i believe it speeds up when you start to eat more. it's not slowed down forever. i think gaining it all back happens when you just go completely back to old habits.
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    I have been eating 1200-1250 for the last 2 months and I lost 15 LBS. I'm not hungry or tired. I'm 5'1" and 38 years old.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I started on 1200, because like everyone else, I wanted the weight gone as soon as possible. What I learned is that low calories does not equal optimal weight loss.

    After a few weeks, I realized that while I was set to two pounds a week, I the only way I could actually LOSE two pounds a week was when I had the stomach flu. By the number, the most I could lose at 1200 was 1.3 pounds a week. A little more research show that 1 pound a week was the ideal amount per week for the amount of weight I had to lose. So I switched to 1 pound a week, and got about 1350 calories. And I always ate most of my exercise calories, too. I felt so much better on just that little bit more. When I got within 10 pounds of my goal, I switched to a half pound a week, and while the pounds lost per week was slower, each pound made a bigger difference. It didn't matter that weight loss was slow... I was still seeing loads of progress.

    Emotionally, too, it's a lot more satisfying to aim to lose one pound a week and lose one pound a week (sometimes a little more) than to think you're supposed to lose 2 pounds a week and only lose one. The mental aspect of weight loss is the hardest part. Staying motivated. When you're reaching your goals - because those goals are realistic - it's a lot easier to stay motivated.

    I've been here almost two years now, and maintaining almost a year and a half. I'm 100% convinced that maintenance is so easy for me because I never trained my body to survive on minimal calories. When I lost weight eating low calories and stopped, the weight came right back on. Losing weight this time, eating 1350-1600 calories plus exercise calories for a total of 1700-2000+, I'm maintaining at 2300. I have no doubt in my mind that I can continue this indefinitely. I might need to adjust things as I get older, but that's true of everyone.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Do you want to live on 1200 forever? Me neither. Eat as much as you can and still slowly lose weight. IMO I'd never really drop anyone below 1500-1600 calories a day.

    just because you lose weight on 1200 calories, why would that mean that you have to live on it forever? i think that any sort of calorie deficit could result in a metabolic slowdown. i don't believe that 1200 is some magic number. if you slowly up your calories to maintanance level after losing weight on 1200, i don't believe that will result in gaining it all back. just as your metabolism slowed down a little from eating less, i believe it speeds up when you start to eat more. it's not slowed down forever. i think gaining it all back happens when you just go completely back to old habits.

    Then clearly you know more than me. Carry on!
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Do you want to live on 1200 forever? Me neither. Eat as much as you can and still slowly lose weight. IMO I'd never really drop anyone below 1500-1600 calories a day.

    just because you lose weight on 1200 calories, why would that mean that you have to live on it forever? i think that any sort of calorie deficit could result in a metabolic slowdown. i don't believe that 1200 is some magic number. if you slowly up your calories to maintanance level after losing weight on 1200, i don't believe that will result in gaining it all back. just as your metabolism slowed down a little from eating less, i believe it speeds up when you start to eat more. it's not slowed down forever. i think gaining it all back happens when you just go completely back to old habits.

    Then clearly you know more than me. Carry on!

    didn't claim i know more than you any more than you claimed to know more than me. actually, you claimed it way more than i did. the arrogance on this site is annoying.

    i merely disagreed with you. is that not allowed? are you god?
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    When I first started I did 1200 or so a day and when I worked out I would eat back some of my calories burned. After a while my body was just hungry. So I upped it to about 1650 a day and some days I ate back some of my workout calories and some days I didn't. Now I am pretty much starting over but know my body is happier with 1600 calories so that is where I am now. I think part of this is learning to listen to your body and what it wants vs what it needs. The better (cleaner) you eat the less you will WANT junk food. But your body will probably tell you it's hungry and it NEEDS fuel. Good luck!
  • annams76
    annams76 Posts: 161 Member
    Everyone is different. Many of us need to eat more in the beginning to lose weight and as we get smaller the amount goes down. Now I am on a 1200 cal a day and I am def not starving and am losing weight. My calories do increase when I workout but I do not eat as much as it says I should ever. Do not stay at 1200 calories a day if you are still feeling super hungry and water intake isn't helping curb the hunger. Eat when you are hungry but just make sure it is healthy. Good luck.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    Do you want to live on 1200 forever? Me neither. Eat as much as you can and still slowly lose weight. IMO I'd never really drop anyone below 1500-1600 calories a day.

    just because you lose weight on 1200 calories, why would that mean that you have to live on it forever? i think that any sort of calorie deficit could result in a metabolic slowdown. i don't believe that 1200 is some magic number. if you slowly up your calories to maintanance level after losing weight on 1200, i don't believe that will result in gaining it all back. just as your metabolism slowed down a little from eating less, i believe it speeds up when you start to eat more. it's not slowed down forever. i think gaining it all back happens when you just go completely back to old habits.

    Then clearly you know more than me. Carry on!

    didn't claim i know more than you any more than you claimed to know more than me. actually, you claimed it way more than i did. the arrogance on this site is annoying.

    i merely disagreed with you. is that not allowed? are you god?

    He is not God but surely looks like one of the Greek gods to me :P