
Guys, you don't know me, but I just wanted to say before I say ANYTHING else that I am not giving up. I am just getting discouraged and wanted to vent.

Okay, so I went shopping for the first time last week and bought nothing but what I thought was "healthy," foods. Greek yogurts, vegetables, eggs, skim milk and BREAD and Pasta (both whole grain and organic). I am a vegetarian so I do consume quite a bit of bread. I eat bread with every meal!! but it seems like every time i go on here I read about how that is only going to hurt my weight loss. I just want someone to break it down to me straight. Am I really hurting myself eating pasta and bread (a lot of it) if I'm working out, eating within my calorie allowance and making sure to eat more than just bread? haha I don't know how else to put it.


  • animalcrackerz
    Also, I should mention I just started this weight loss journey.
  • shastacrystal
    What types of bread and pasta are you eating? Is it all processed white or are you eating whole grains and wheat?
  • animalcrackerz
    Whole grain wheat pasta! & it's organic. I'll admit, I do it a lot and with every meal i feel like. i just am wondering if I'm better off without it.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Guys, you don't know me, but I just wanted to say before I say ANYTHING else that I am not giving up. I am just getting discouraged and wanted to vent.

    Okay, so I went shopping for the first time last week and bought nothing but what I thought was "healthy," foods. Greek yogurts, vegetables, eggs, skim milk and BREAD and Pasta (both whole grain and organic). I am a vegetarian so I do consume quite a bit of bread. I eat bread with every meal!! but it seems like every time i go on here I read about how that is only going to hurt my weight loss. I just want someone to break it down to me straight. Am I really hurting myself eating pasta and bread (a lot of it) if I'm working out, eating within my calorie allowance and making sure to eat more than just bread? haha I don't know how else to put it.

    nah, bread isnt bad. stick to whole (or sprouted) grain bread, stay in your calories. tah-dah! ;) i eat bread all the time. and im 17% bodyfat right now.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    Eat your bread. Just be aware that there is not a lot of nutrition in it, so if you are trying to lose weight, you can do with less of it. As a vegetarian, you really need to carefully watch your nutrients. Bread can become a filler that you don't want to eat more than a couple servings a day. That applies to flour in general (pasta, crackers, some cereals, etc.)

    People on the forums seem to think bread is the devil. It's just a good thing to limit when you are on restricted calorie diets, since it doesn't offer much nutrition-wise. Don't use it as your main source of protein, for instance.

  • MichaelFunaro
    MichaelFunaro Posts: 66 Member
    Try mixing in Quinoa pasta and Ezekiel bread (flourless). If you are eating a lot of pasta and bread you are getting a lot of processed foods and that can hinder your losses. When I eat Pasta, I eat Quinoa pasta and the only bread I try to eat is Ezekiel (they also make muffins, tortillas).

    you can also eat Quinoa in place of rice, that's what I do. It has all the amino acids and is higher in protein.

    Little changes can go a long way.
  • animalcrackerz
    Eat your bread. Just be aware that there is not a lot of nutrition in it, so if you are trying to lose weight, you can do with less of it. As a vegetarian, you really need to carefully watch your nutrients. Bread can become a filler that you don't want to eat more than a couple servings a day. That applies to flour in general (pasta, crackers, some cereals, etc.)

    People on the forums seem to think bread is the devil. It's just a good thing to limit when you are on restricted calorie diets, since it doesn't offer much nutrition-wise.

    Thank you! This is actually VERY helpful. You're right. I do need to do more meal planning to ensure to make sure i'm getting my nutrients. I really appreciate this, thank you!
  • animalcrackerz
    Try mixing in Quinoa pasta and Ezekiel bread (flourless). If you are eating a lot of pasta and bread you are getting a lot of processed foods and that can hinder your losses. When I eat Pasta, I eat Quinoa pasta and the only bread I try to eat is Ezekiel (they also make muffins, tortillas).

    you can also eat Quinoa in place of rice, that's what I do. It has all the amino acids and is higher in protein.

    Little changes can go a long way.

    wow, great tip! Thank you. i never tried Quinoa pasta, so anything new is exciting for me. Thank you!
  • HeatherPH
    HeatherPH Posts: 125 Member
    Yeah, I agree with what most are saying! As long as you're sticking within your carb macro limits (according to the mayo clinic you should get between 45-65% of your daily intake from carbs- http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/healthy-diet/NU00200) and you're eating whole wheat grains, you should be fine :)
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Realistically, you need carbs. What it boils down to is paying attention to the "right kind of carbs." Are you having breads that are "whole wheat" or "whole grain"? You want the 100% whole wheat if you can swing it - but really whatever is in it's most natural state. If you're buying organic, you already understand that. Same thing with whole wheat pasta. It's all about making wise choices and getting as much as you can out of those choices nutritionally.
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    Guys, you don't know me, but I just wanted to say before I say ANYTHING else that I am not giving up. I am just getting discouraged and wanted to vent.

    Okay, so I went shopping for the first time last week and bought nothing but what I thought was "healthy," foods. Greek yogurts, vegetables, eggs, skim milk and BREAD and Pasta (both whole grain and organic). I am a vegetarian so I do consume quite a bit of bread. I eat bread with every meal!! but it seems like every time i go on here I read about how that is only going to hurt my weight loss. I just want someone to break it down to me straight. Am I really hurting myself eating pasta and bread (a lot of it) if I'm working out, eating within my calorie allowance and making sure to eat more than just bread? haha I don't know how else to put it.

    No, it's not hurting you. Did you know bread actually has a decent amount of protein? It's okay!

    I am a vegetarian too, and try to get more veggies and protein in my day.... my diary is open if you'd like to take a look for ideas! Would love to be friends too :)