Am I the only one starting to stress about thankgiving ?



  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    I will have 3 Thanksgivings this year. We had food for work yesterday, then I have it with my mom and dad separately. I feel your pain!!
  • swagner73
    swagner73 Posts: 43 Member
    I am stressing too but trying to not to stress. I track everything -- food, moods, everything. I've noticed a pattern that when I stress, I tend to hang on to weight. If I keep my stress level to a minimum, I lose weight easier. I have two dinners to go to on Thanksgiving. I pretty much know what my dad will be fixing & have an idea what will be fixed at my brother in law's. Since I don't like the in laws cooking, except for the dressing, I'll have dressing there and maybe a bite or two of broccoli casserole. Then at daddy's, I'll have the turkey & veggies.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I actually cant wait. And my 2 bite rule applies, 1 - 2 bite size per spoonful. I'm not worried about eating alot, just not enough!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'm actually not worried at all. I have really bad anxiety, and for once it's a good thing. Going to have Thanksgiving with my husband's father's side of the family, so I won't eat much anyway. I get super self-conscious about what/how much I eat, so I starve myself around other people lol.
  • kandilynn03
    kandilynn03 Posts: 110 Member
    My mom doesn't like turkey, so we bought a ham. And my husband and my dad got free turkeys from their work. But I'm really excited about the holidays. I think I'm going to make a lot of healthy sides and try not to eat so much that I can't breathe. I'm also going to exercise in the morning and try to take a walk after dinner.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    One day will not make or break your diet. I am from Canada so my Thanksgiving is in October but that month has 3 things to work in. We have Thanksgiving, and then my brothers birthday (which is a big family supper - like every birthday) and then halloween. I found if I worked out before or even after the meal it was fine -even just a family walk I was able to break pretty much even.

    If you go in planning to enjoy your day and get back on track the next you will do just fine. Even if you end up gaining a pound or 2 you can take them off again I mean look at your ticker you have lost 14 pounds already its obvious you know what you are doing. If you don't want to make a big deal out of things than take a salad that everyone can enjoy, and maybe make a low cal dessert for yourself that way your inlaws will not get offended. But most of all don't stress its just another day.

    Edited to fix my spelling...because I don't read.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Why stress, it's only one day
  • TooHott2Trott
    TooHott2Trott Posts: 57 Member
    This will be my first Thanksgiving alone since my daughter in now in the Army and going to Lousiana with her friends. This also means it's the first Thanksgiving I don't have to cook. My plan for the day is to get up that morning and do my first 1/2 marathon. After finishing that.... I plan on eating my traditional post race meal..... Pizza and Peroni(beer).....

    Just enjoy the day and don't stress over food.... Enjoy making memories with your family..
  • WhatDoesLisa
    I am stressed out about having to be in the same room as my sister. UGH.
  • Scott_Chaput
    If you look at it as cheating it will hurt you. It isn't cheating, there is nothing wrong at all with eating your fill on Thanksgiving. Nothing wrong at all...

    If you make healthy choices for every single meal except for that ONE then you've eaten right 95% of your meals... Do you really think that one meal is going to kill you? No...

    As long as you can look at it like its not cheating but a part of your plan then you should be fine... I eat a cheat meal a week and its the PLAN it isn't cheating. I eat a good breakfast and lunch and then just for that ONE MEAL and dessert I eat what I want.

    It works and it will help in the long run.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Why not just use a smaller plate and only pack it with turkey and veggies? And have your salad as a side?
  • Peaches516
    Peaches516 Posts: 104 Member
    I am stressed out about having to be in the same room as my sister. UGH.


    Great game plan to bring your own salad! I am bringing some sides, too - mashed potatoes, mashed butternut squash, and apple pie. That way, I know I'll be able to eat the mashed butternut squash as a healthier alternative to the potatoes! Plus, it'll be easier to resist the potatoes and pie since I have the recipes and can make them whenever I want!
  • callmemaam
    callmemaam Posts: 3 Member
    My plan - taste everything (like two bites MAX). Take seconds of the turkey and any green vegetable IF I'm still hungry. There may be a lot of carbs on the table - but this way, I'll enjoy my holiday without feeling like I missed anything. (I mean - it is a holiday after all.) I'll log my food and see how much more exercise I need to do on the weekend.

    It's so much easier to manage your intake of you are the one doing the cooking - because you know what's in everything. But this year - I'm playing second fiddle and bringing a couple of sides.

    Oh - no wine, soda or cider. Strictly water. Maybe a cup of coffee or tea.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Just an FYI, but one day isn't going to do much harm to any diet.. unless you go 3500 calories over maintenance.

    Also, this is a day to be with family and remember what you are thankful for.. it's not about the food or the calories or anything else.

    So leave the damn salad at home, eat what is there and enjoy yourself... period.
  • CyclingAddict
    I will hop on my bike around 5:00am and hammer out a good 45 miles or so. After that, bring on the food and general laziness.