Ladies 50 and older or around there

I need to lose 40 pounds AGAIN. Really frustrated and struggling. I'm not always good at being on here everyday but if you don't mind some of my absences...I'd love to have a few good friends to help me through this. If you were my friend before and want to be again...please let me know...I'm :-)


  • I'm not quite 50, but I will be in February. You can add me if you like. I am on here almost everyday. I want to loose 100 lbs. Have a long road ahead. But WE ARE WORTH IT!
  • Kjgkat
    Kjgkat Posts: 2 Member
    I too will be 50 soon (next month) wanting to lose 100 lbs again...lost it 10 year ago, but gained it back...on my way again, lots harder the second time around, but on my way
    hang in there....WE can do it !!!
  • i am 49 years wanting to lose 32 pounds i been with mfp for 25 days lost 8 pounds
  • tashiaberman
    tashiaberman Posts: 48 Member
    I'm 53 in Tennessee. I had a baby at 40 and went from 120 to I would love to see 140 again! Now I'm over 200 and none of the diets seem to work. I'm back on the 1200 calorie per day diet, though I tried it for a year once before. I'm trying to be more disciplined about it this time and not cheat -- except maybe Thanksgiving day.

    I am only exercising one night per week right now, because I've started back to school full time, while working full time and there isn't any time for exercising full time too. So how come if I've been eating 1200 calories per day I lost 2 lbs and gained it right back in the same week?

    It was a combination of quitting smoking and menopause at the same time that did me in. I had gained 10 extra pounds, but when I watched what I ate and exercised it just came right off no problem, until I quit smoking. Then the weight just piled on and menopause made it even worse. I went from 140 to 200 within 3 years, all the while dieting like crazy and exercising regularly. I do karate 2 nights per week -- or did until I went back to school -- and at one time was walking 2 miles per day PLUS working out in a heavy cardio karate class 2 nights per week. That would keep the weight from piling on any more, but didn't lose any.

    Just talking about it makes me want to give up and resign to ending up a 400 lb. fat lady. My whole life, through 2 children and a divorce and I stayed 120 lbs. Quit smoking, get a little older and I'm toast.