Keto stall

hey guys on my 11 or 12th week of cutting, cant really remember tbh, lost heaps so far but seem to have stalled for almost two weeks. My cals have been the same with protien at ~150g daily and carbs <40g daily and fats ~90g. roughly about 1300-1500cal a day. I lift every week day and do 15min HIIT+moderate cardio before lifting and all on a fasted state.

At this time i have seen a change from 78kg yet.. last time i cut i got stuck on 78 also. whats everyones experiences with breaking plateaus? potions ive researched:

1. Change up regime, im now doing 2x60min moderate intensity sessions and MMA also too mix this up

2. Increase/Decrease protien, have heard both arguments

3. Decrease cals (but for 182cm and 78kg already at 1300cal with excersise thats getting very low)

4.Eat more for a week.

Any thoughts?