Paleo Autoimmune Protocol... anyone?



  • CharissaGudknecht
    CharissaGudknecht Posts: 25 Member
    I started a new Autoimmune Paleo group you should join.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,142 Member
    what medical condition do you have?

    It's a laundry list of stuff. Several mental health (Post-Traumatic Stress, major anxiety, Borderline Personality), PCOS, Pre-diabetic (type II), osteoarthritis, bursitis, fibromyalgia.. I have some sort of autoimmune condition that has yet to be determined. I spent all last year going to doctor after doctor, doing tests, etc. It was very exhausting. I'll never forget when my doctor, confused and not sure what was wrong with me, looked at me and asked if I had ever been tested for HIV. That really frightened me! I saw a cancer doctor to have tons of bloodwork looked at and he was not helpful or nice. I have all the symptoms of RA and many of Lupus. Have been tested 3 times but because I never tested positive for the ANA test no conclusions were made. I spent about 8 months last year testing for Cushings Disease (which fits me 100%) but after doing all my insurance would cover and no real definitive answer, I basically gave up on it and tried to focus on losing weight despite my troubles. I also have herniated discs in my low back and some undetermined digestive issues. My thyroid is also a bit underactive. Not currently on medication for that but today I just realized that I am taking 20 pills per day.

    It was a real eye-opener to actually count and do the math even though I have been on this awful regimen for a year and 8 months now. 20 pills a day, 140 a week, 600 a month, 7,300 per year. :frown:

    I turn 26 in a few days and I refuse to spend the second half of my 20's the way the first was spent: being sick and miserable. I'm beyond fed up and over this "life". Going to make this change - even if it's a bit radical for most - and I hope that it helps.
    Je sus K rist I wish you get to the bottom of your problems, just reading this makes me ill.