Artificial Sweeteners 10 Facts

1. Artificial sweeteners are 160-13000 times sweeter than sugar.
2. We use less of it because our bodies do not fully absorb them.
3. Low-cal sweeteners are slowly absorbed and can cause diarrhea and gas if consumed too often.
4. In 1977 saccharin was banned because it was found that it caused cancer in rats, but did not appear to cause cancer in humans.
5. Artificial Sweeteners have been approved for pregnant women, diabetics and children by the American Dietetic Association.
6. The 5 main artificial sweeteners are: acesulfame K, Saccharin, Aspartame, Sucralose and Neotame.
7. Neotame ranges from 7000-13000 times sweeter than sugar.
8. Artificial Sweeteners do not affect blood-glucose levels.
9. All five artifical sweeteners are FDA approved but experts are still quite suspicious.
10. Sucralose or Splenda is 600 times sweeter than sugar.