How to stop food cravings...

FinFoxPT Posts: 106 Member
edited January 4 in Food and Nutrition
I used to have a thing for so many foods; cheese, crisps, chocolate, cheese, cheese, cheese. I've read online about how to beat this and two things came up... my bodys craving and my craving. My body wanted sugar because I was feeding it sugar, i wanted food because i was emotionaly eating. Busy day fill up on sugar. Hard day, start with a grilled cheese toastie breakfast. I don't eat clean, i know it works for lots of people but it doesn't work for me. But i have worked on breaking this bad cycle with certain foods and i genuinly don't have the same cravings. I think i've had cheese flavouring a couple of times in the last few months but i haven't eaten cheese for months. I used to love it, i'd put it on almost everything but i don't even think to buy it. When i was finaly aware of just how much i'd eat in a week it really made me feel ill. It was WAY too much. Now I don't crave it, i don't eat it, maybe one day i will but right now it's just not what i want.

I still eat other things but where as i could easily sit and eat through big amounts of it, i now just enjoy a smaller portion. I'm not holding back, not denying myself anything, it's just not the same as it used to be. I'm much more aware of what i put in my face!

Is it the execise?? Am i getting my food buzz from working out? Could be... When i work out in the morning i'm starving, not craving like i used to for sugary cereal, i'm hungary for a meal. I sometimes do have most of my calories first thing now more than i do for my other meals because it's what my body needs. It's cool to feel hungry now, i thought it was hunger before but it was a habit craving that didn't do me any good.

I have what i want if i really want it but yes i'm more aware than ever of what i NEED and i am going for that more these days. But i'm not going to beat myself up for having what i want also... BALANCE...

Ok, so how did i stop my food craving...

-Don't buy foods you crave (My family understand i need to not have these in our home right now)

-Make time for regular execise whilst cutting down on crave foods (replaced food buzz withwork out buzz)

-Make sure you drink plenty water/ green tea (It just worked for me)

-If you're really craving the food, take it and spoilt it (cover it in something bad, this mentally breaks the attachment)

-Find out why it's not so good for you (looking online)

One big thing for me is the buzz i get from execise now. The smallest goals i got with working out slowly replaced the buzz i used to get from food. It's not easy by any means but little by little the balance has tipped and i'd rather mainly eat well so i can maintain my fitness and keep that buzz. I do take time out and i do have a day off but the balance is polar now. I used to work out next to nothing and eat to make me feel good. It took time to really recognise this and long term this is what causes long term illnesses. I'll never say never with food. I love food, i love cooking but slowly and working hard, my balance now feels right.

Hope this helps, i'd be glad to help others with this so feel free to add friend. I haven't followed a plan, i'm just doing what worked for me.

Fin x

(Also check out no scales 6 weeks #ns6)


  • CarrieGetsFit
    CarrieGetsFit Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the tips. I've already noticed that giving us sugars has now reduced my craving for them. I'm going to try the lots of water and green tea today as I am feeling unusually hungry.
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