Newbie, starting AGAIN, again!

Hello all, I joined here a few weeks ago but I have struggled with getting going, then disastrous weekends and comfort eating but now I am going to really give it a proper go!

I lost 56lbs a few years ago and became Bulimic so I am scared of food ruling my life again so it has put me off , or I have used it as an excuse,!! I hated food being the whole focus of my day and life. I exercised like a lunatic with upto 4 hours of hard work every day, it was an awful situation as I knew if I stopped or slowed down I would put on weight. But I got off the diet rollercoaster and now I am determined to focus on being fit for life and healthy for living.
I want to lose a stone...or should I say I plan on losing a stone!

I remarried after a horrible divorce and violent ex-marriage and my new Husbands eating habits are very bad so I relaxed a bit too much and have got a bit curvier than I like. This has knocked my self-esteem and I feel awful not only when I look in the mirror but when I think how fit I used to be! (although I was ill too)

So I am here to try and find a balance with it all and be the person I want to be.
I also have four children and 'work' as an Artist too, my new Husband has recently been taken ill and I am his full-time carer.
Onwards and Upwards......! x
