Chin ups / Pull ups / The Armystrong Workout

Is the Armystrong Workout ( ) actually an effective workout set to increase pull up / chin up strength?

I've been doing let-downs ( I forget the name) from my bar - jumping up above it, then lowering myself down slowly as I hadn't been able to do a chin up. I can do 2 chin ups now which isn't exactly ground breaking but would like to improve on this.

I've looked online for other programs but there doesn't seem to be many which cater to people who are starting at 0 pullups


  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Is the Armystrong Workout ( ) actually an effective workout set to increase pull up / chin up strength?

    I've been doing let-downs ( I forget the name) from my bar - jumping up above it, then lowering myself down slowly as I hadn't been able to do a chin up. I can do 2 chin ups now which isn't exactly ground breaking but would like to improve on this.

    I've looked online for other programs but there doesn't seem to be many which cater to people who are starting at 0 pullups

    I know nothing about that program...but I could not do a single pull up in August. I started using the assisted pull up/triceps dip machine at the gym in August. I can now do 15 pull ups and 20 triceps with 115lbs of assist ( I am pulling up over 80lbs of my own weight). As they get easier, I decrease the amount of assist...
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    P90X has some serious pullup routines and recommend either negatives (as you are doing) and resistance bands. There are loads of other core muscles to work on to assist you too.

    As you get lighter and build your strength you will tip the balance more. I'd recommend doing different types of pushups, working your back with dumbells (back fly, lawnmowers etc) and doing pullups as often as you can.

    The only way to do more pullups is to do pullups :)
  • keithmustloseweight
    P90X has some serious pullup routines and recommend either negatives ..
    The only way to do more pullups is to do pullups :)

    Haha yeah.

    I'll see if I can get a copy of the P90X pullup routine. If not I guess I'll keep doing negatives till I build up to more proper pullups

    Just realised I typed Armystrong.. supposed to be Armstrong Workout
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    try jumping up to the bar with momentum so you can leverage yourself up, that way you can teach your brain how to use mostly your back muscles and not your arm muscles.

    point being, have fun with it and don't get stuck in some routine that may deter you from doing them, just jump up to the bar whenever your bord.
  • Damocles35
    Google Mark Lauren. That'll get you doing pull-ups in no time.