The Latina Journey

Anyone one stems from a Latin background (Puerto Rican & Cuban here) knows food is commodity. My weight loss journey started when I was 21, that was 12 years ago. I had my first son when I was 21, and was at a place in my life I wasn't happy with. I met my husband of 8 years in 2004 and he changed the way I looked at food, without a single word. He loved unconditionally; here he was, this fit and muscular guy, who had eyes for me, and I felt like a health I hated being winded after chasing my son, and realized something needed to change.

I have lost and gained. Gained and lost. Lost and gained, and alas here I am. I am actually starting this journey without telling anyone close to me, because I want to be accountable to me. My two sons deserve a mother who will be there to see them graduate and walk down the aisle and welcome their children into this world. I've been told I'm one of those "lucky people who carry their weight well." Could anything sound so damn hideous, than that?

It's time for me to refuel, correctly, and find the time to hit the gym, instead of excuses (it's only .5 mile away). I look forward to connecting to many of you, and see the results of the November 2012 club :)