Mike’s Daily bREAD 11/14/2012 Topic: New Year’s Resolution

MikeDaMotivator Posts: 1,144
edited January 4 in Chit-Chat
We have all made a New Year’s resolution that we have been so serious about sticking with or to. Yet, we are dedicated or committed for one or two weeks and then stop. We say My New Year’s Resolution is to exercise more. Or My New Year’s Resolution is to eat healthier. Or my New Year’s Resolution is to save money. Things are all great until January 10 rolls around then that’s when the excitement dies down. Then we go back to our regularly scheduled program.

I have never been successful with my New Year’s Resolutions. When I say never, I mean NEVER. I failed every single year after two weeks. I mean failure was my new success. Every year my resolution was to lose weight. Needless to say that didn’t work. Another resolution that I failed miserably was to wash my face at least 3 times a day. I was able to do 2 times a day and that’s only because it’s the first thing I do when I take a shower. I am proud to say that I now wash my face 3 times a day but not because of my New Year’s resolution. One year my resolution was to save at least $200.00 every month. Saving was a resolution that I found success with. Mainly because I am so cheap and grew up poor and learned how to stretch every penny. I have been allowing myself to spend $100.00 to $150.00 a month on wardrobe. Other than that, my saving patterns have continued with success.

Keeping all of what I said in mind, I have decided to make my Resolution today with nothing new about the year. Not December 31st but today. My New Year’s Resolution is to never make a New Year’s Resolution ever again. This decision is due to my success rate or failure rate. However you decide to look at it is absolutely fine with me.

Making my resolution today gives me time to achieve it by the New Year. That means in simple terms that when January 1st rolls around, I won’t be beginning my plan to better myself. I will have already put the plan in place and hopefully achieved it by then. By January 1st I plan to begin reaping the benefits of my resolution versus beginning the plan. The reason I want to do this is because I am a firm believer that starting the year off fresh and relaxed will aid in a less stressful year. I do believe that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. However, when it comes to planning a New Year’s Resolution, I fail either way. So in other words, my New Year’s Resolutions never get resolved and that will change this year!

By New Year’s Day, I plan on taking my shirt off and taking pictures to post them on the internet. Okay that is a bit extreme so posting them on the internet is scrapped from the resolution. I will take my shirt off and feel comfortable doing it, I will exercise harder every day and I will eat better by January 1st.



  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    I never make New Year Resolutions ... why wait? I get on with it now !
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    I have never made a New Year Resolution because I know I will not stick to it. It seemed a pointless waste of time.
  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member
    Well said.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I never make New Year Resolutions ... why wait? I get on with it now !

    Totally agree.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    We have all made a New Year’s resolution that we have been so serious about sticking with or to.

    False. I have never made a resolution I was really serious about.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Funny thing is that I made resolutions last year, and I had plans and assigned myself degrees of difficulty.

    1) Get to bed at a reasonable time during the week.

    Degree of difficulty: Minor

    Plan to achieve: I'm going to need to make sure that food is cleaned up and put away and the dishes are in the dishwasher before settling in for TV or reading. I'm up too late now because suddenly it's past 11:00 and I have to deal with the dishes and leftovers before I can go to bed and suddenly it's midnight. However, Poker nights I'm probably going to be getting home too late as a rule, but if I bust, it's time to head home and I can find out later who won. Also no caffiene after 7:00

    2) Read more.

    Degree of difficulty: medium

    Plan to achieve: I'm going to have to figure out a time where the TV goes off and the kindle, or actual book comes out. Maybe 10:00 except mondays. I have actual lunch buddies so reading at lunch is out, at least until the spring when I might decide I'm reading outside anyway and taking an hour lunch instead of a half hour.

    I was reading quite a bit until Skyrim and the job, I need to fix that, especially since there's a lot of kindle content I want to borrow available from the NH public libraries.

    3) Have a night out with my wife once a month

    Degree of difficulty: medium

    Plan to achieve: We need to leverage those people who have offered to sit and actually ask them to watch the pumpkin. Dave and Maureen have been very willing to sit unless there's a bruins home game but we should probably spread the asking around a little.

    4) Lose weight

    Degree of difficulty: Medium to high

    I've done this before, the two pictures below were taken less than a year apart (about 11 months), and after I had my gallbladder out 7 years prior to that I went from 263 to 175 in just over a year

    Plan to Achieve: There's a bit to it, but first and foremost, The South Beach Diet. It's time to bring back the ingreedient Nazi. No processed flour, no simple carbohydrates, as little bad fat as is possible, splenda rather than sugar, leaner cuts of meat and having healthy snacks between meals so I'm not starving and eating too much.

    I'll also have to not have over a dozen beers every weekend at camp and not eat food just because its there.

    Finally I'm going to hit the gym on the way home from work maybe 3 or 4 days a week just not until I'm past phase 1 of South Beach. It leaves me pretty wiped until I can add in some fruit and whole grains and I'm doing a LOT of walking at work anyway.

    My immediate goal is to get into extra large shirts and then eventually size 38 and below pants (best I've managed in my adult life is 34 and Medium shirts)

    5) Keep the weight I lose off.

    Degree of Difficulty: Very

    This is something I've had issues with my whole life. I took off over 40 pounds when I was 19. I took off almost 100 pounds when I was 27, I took off over 75 pounds when I was 34. Every time I've put it back as I fell back into bad habits I can't let it happen again. Yo-yo dieting is very unhealthy, some say it's less unhealthy to never take the weight off.

    Plan to Acheive: I'm still working on it, it will definately involve still exercising and still watching what I eat.

    I just really want to be the second guy and not the first. That shirt is in a space bag waiting for me to be wearing that size again.


    Current status...

    1) I'm not doing as well with this as I would like, mostly because I'm now going to the gym once everyone else is in bed. At least I'm usually in bed by 12:30am

    2) I'm doing ok, but I could be doing better but since I will no longer read on the tread mill my amount of reading has been dwindling

    3) We've managed this 10 of the 11 months because we will have one this friday night. Next month our daycare is baby sitting all day long on a saturday for super cheap so we will be taking that as our "night out" Doing fairly well on this one.

    4) I am crushing this. However I've deviated from my original plan. I've added exercise and try to eat healthier but I'm not 100% following SB

    5) I've been injured the last few weeks and I lowered my loss rate goals to make up for my reduced exercise time. I think I will be able to do this, but it still hasn't come into play.

    Oh, and I totally fit into that shirt now.

  • JustAl313 you have done excellent! I also want to commend you on your strategy it may make things more possible to stick to the way that you mapped it out. Fantastic Job!
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    JustAl313 you have done excellent! I also want to commend you on your strategy it may make things more possible to stick to the way that you mapped it out. Fantastic Job!

    If you don't have a plan, resolutions are just words. It also helps to be able to measure your success and progress. It's why I'll never resolve to be a better person, care more about the environment etc.

    Besides how could I be a better person? I'm rockstar awesome now. Oops, perhaps I should resolve to be more humble.
  • JustAl313 you have done excellent! I also want to commend you on your strategy it may make things more possible to stick to the way that you mapped it out. Fantastic Job!

    If you don't have a plan, resolutions are just words. It also helps to be able to measure your success and progress. It's why I'll never resolve to be a better person, care more about the environment etc.

    Besides how could I be a better person? I'm rockstar awesome now. Oops, perhaps I should resolve to be more humble.

    Haha good point. You are humble already lol Mr. Rockstar
  • mrsvatitagain
    mrsvatitagain Posts: 275 Member
    Well said! I stopped making them years ago...funny my decision to take charge of my weight happened around my birthday in May and wasnt a resolution but a required phase in my life. Though I am happy for those who make New Years Resolutions because the will all be in my Zumba class, business WILL be great the months of Jan-Mar, after that they will all forget the resolution they made, LOL But, I will make a little extra chaaaaaaaaachinggggggggggg!!! LOLOL
  • Well said! I stopped making them years ago...funny my decision to take charge of my weight happened around my birthday in May and wasnt a resolution but a required phase in my life. Though I am happy for those who make New Years Resolutions because the will all be in my Zumba class, business WILL be great the months of Jan-Mar, after that they will all forget the resolution they made, LOL But, I will make a little extra chaaaaaaaaachinggggggggggg!!! LOLOL

    LOL True well let me hold a dollar.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Back in college my last NYR was to never again make a NYR... and I've kept it! My perfect streaks rivals that of The Undertaker's victories at WrestleMania! :laugh:
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    I Always thought of them as wishes rather than resolutions. I said I would try to lose 25 lbs and do P90X this year, so it was a good year for me I guess.
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