Looking for new friends

I'm not new to the site, just getting back into it. Looking for motivating friends with similar goals :] I am good at providing support for others and love receiving some back.

I'm a 21 year old college senior.
SW 216
CW 199
GW 140-150
From Pennsylvania [semi-local friends are nice]

Been sticking around 1600 calories a day with a goal of losing 1.5 pounds a week. I am trying to jog/walk 100 miles before the end of the year. Currently at 15.6 miles.

Please add a message with your request so I know where you came from ;]


  • Not real sure how to send you a request, but would like to be friends.
    Ive lost app 40 lbs and 13 total inches since may 2012. Walking is my exercise of choice, but really looking into Zumba!