Sugar/carb detoxing? How long does it take



  • montanem
    Actually sugar is the enemy, as the daily intake recommended is 4-6grams. Most people don't realize this and most doctor's either don';t know this or will not tell you this. I have personally seen diabetics reverse by cutting out all this processed sugar crap. Remember fat free = added sugar, low calories = added sugar. They might change the name around to dextrose, sucrose, ect but it still is sugar. Your body will go through a withdrawal of about a week, it can be tough for some. But once you are through that your body will start doing what it was meant to be doing all along. Using the stored fat as energy. Even those so called diet meals that are in the frozen section are no good for you. Healthy Choice, Weight Watchers Smart Ones, etc, etc. You may lose the weight, but the yo yo effect is horrible and a large percentage of people put back on the weight. Our bodies are not meant to deal with all this processed junk we put it in, and yes folks. Over 80% of the food in your grocery store has added sugar. Kids are introduced to sugar as early as birth, look at some of the formulas. Then we wonder why our kids are more obese. Michelle Obama even started the movement until she wwas shut down by the big food lobbys. Now she tones it down and back and even goes as far as saying these companies are not bad. All those zero calorie sodas, really? You think they are good for you? I am not perfect and I can only talk to what I am going through now and the changes I have noticed. You can listen to your doctor, in fact you should, but make sure your doctor is not taking vacations on drug company dimes. Some of them do that you know. Make sure your doctor truly understands how sugar works on your body and what happens when you have too much (over the 4-6grams). Ever look at one of those weight watcher meals, or nutri-system meals? You are already 3-4x over your sugar in one sitting, and your body can not use all that. So why you think you are losing weight, your pancreas is making the insulin to pass to your liver, so your liver can pass that sugar off right as fat. Anyhow, call it hooklah or boogy woogy magic, or false diet, or whatever you want. But I can only attest to what is working for me. And if it can work for me, it most likely can work for someone else. Just need to get past that sugar withdrawal and not weigh yourself every day. Oh BTW, you can eat carbs, just not the starchy processed carbs. Atkins almost had it right, but if you cut carbs out all together you are damaging your body also. Just get rid of the startchy / carbs. And FAT. Do some research, Fat FREE is worse for you than the product with the fat in it. And the lower calories crap only reduces by 10 calories or so, did you know they can error by a percentage and get away with it? The main fats you need to stay away from are Trans-Fats. But do not switch out a product because it says fat free, look at the sugar in it. That sugar is making it worse for you to lose weight.

    Did you watch Fed Up before you posted this? Lol its not a judgement, just an observation.