p90x nutrition plan

getinshapegirl Posts: 19
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
Just starting the p90x plan and wondering if anybody has any tips or stories.
Not doing the p90x dvds - switched to Chalean because just not in shape enough at this point to complete the p90x. I am doing the fat shredder level 1 with only 1 snack instead of 2 and no bar in order to keep calories within limit.


  • I started the P90X plan about 2 weeks ago. When you plan it out, try to balance your "large" meals as best you can. Maybe even make your snacks a little bigger. I've found that I'm hungry a few times throughout the day and then stuffed for dinner. Doing a re-work this weekend to rearrange that. I can say that I've had enough energy to do my P90X workouts so the food choices must be the right ones. Overall, I like how simple the plan is and how it keeps my energy levels balanced. I would like a little more variety.
  • I made a checklist to mark off the food groups as I eat them and a sample meal plan just to make it easy. Looks like dinners might me the most difficult because it will basically be protein and veggies because I am eating my carbs at breakfast. Thought this would be good though to have energy throughout the day. I have counted calories without much success I think because even though I stay within my calories I tend to make unhealthy choices like 100 cal pack cupcakes. Hoping this will help me realign my eating habits. So hard to give up the sugar !!!
  • Yeah, it's really hard to give up the sugar. Yesterday we had an office birthday so of course there was cake & ice cream that I had to decline. Made me a little cranky lol.

    Sounds like your planning is rounding out the way mine did. I end up with proteins & veggies for dinner. I feel like the fat shredder building blocks is a LOT of protein. Because my calorie goal was 200 less than the middle level plan, I took out 2 proteins and I still feel like it's a lot of protein.

    Good luck with yours! Here's to our success *cheers*
  • Thanks for the encouragement. I am going to have a protein shake each day to try to get in the protein because I am not a huge meat eater. As long as it works I will be happy! Just tried of counting calories and not losing the weight.
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