Hello all!

thingrim Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I'm Michelle, and my jeans won't button.:sad:

About a year and a half ago, I lost 60 pounds on Weight Watchers. I could've stood to lose more, but I was content and life got crazy, really crazy, and I started to slack off. So yesterday, after waging war with all the denim in my closet, I got on the scale and discovered 25 of those pounds had found their way back. I don't feel like paying for WW again, and wasn't really thrilled with their website, so after looking around, I settled in here.

So, I'm a stay at home mom to 2 wild monkeys disguised as young boys. Weight has been an issue all my life - I was a fat kid, lost it all as a teenager and was very into diet and fitness, stayed like that though my early 20's, then started to really slide when I hit 30. Now, staring down the barrel of 40, I'm determined to get real.



  • Welcome to my fitness pal. This website has been a huge help for me. It really helps me to track what I'm eating throughout the day so I stay within my goals! Good luck with losing the weight! Don't worry, it will come off!!
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