Healthy, Fast Weight Loss Suggestions



  • Thanks everyone. I've actually already lost 3 lbs this week by changing my habits. Working out and eating habits combined. I am going to aim for 2 lbs a week. Seems more realistic. It's time I get my groove back! Hopefully by Summer I will be able to rock a cute bikini instead of a skirted tankini haha Thanks again!

  • bradwwood
    bradwwood Posts: 371 Member
    Thanks everyone. I've actually already lost 3 lbs this week by changing my habits. Working out and eating habits combined. I am going to aim for 2 lbs a week. Seems more realistic. It's time I get my groove back! Hopefully by Summer I will be able to rock a cute bikini instead of a skirted tankini haha Thanks again!

    well, in that case, make sure to update us with pictures :D
  • emilymaya16
    emilymaya16 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm doing the Dukan diet, it's healthy and you lose weight fast! I've been on it for 2 weeks and I've lost about 9lbs and an inch off my measurements, which is pretty good considering I'm pretty close to my goal and the last 15lbs are supposed to be the hardest to shift! I had my first 'have you lost weight?' comment day which was nice :)
  • JantjeG
    JantjeG Posts: 4 Member
    Actually, if you cut out all carbs, you can lose about 10 pounds of water weight after 1-2 weeks. You aren't really losing fat, but with every ounce of carbohydrate we absorb our body wants to conserve 3 ounces of water.

    I've been a fan on the pre-made Lean Shakes at GNC. 25g of protein and only 170 cals. You can have 2-3 a day with a healthy dinner and still only rack up around 1000-1200 calories and not feel like you are starving. I guess you could subsist off 3 shakes a day alone, giving you 510 cal, but just enough protein/fat and vitamins to be "healthy." You would lose roughly 3 pounds a week, which is pushing it, to be honest.
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    We all want to be at goal YESTERDAY. If you've already lost three pounds this week then you are on your way! You have about 6 weeks and if you can do some weights that'll definitely help you firm up and look smaller even though you may not lose as much as you want. Good luck! :bigsmile:
  • Luv2Smile55
    Luv2Smile55 Posts: 133 Member
    First off ... Shame, shame, shame on your grandfather for saying anything about your weight and then for your mom sharing this little tidbit of info with you. NO one has to tell us we've gained weight. Duuuuh!!!! Do they honestly think we don't know it? I grew up in a home where my dad constantly said things about my weight. I never felt good enough or thin enough to please him. Here I am, 55 years old and still riding the weight loss roller coaster. My dad has been gone for two years now but the sting of his words and the pain he caused are with me to this day.

    You are a beautiful young woman. Eat healthfully and stay active. MOST importantly, please know that God doesn't make junk. Whether you lose a single pound or stay the way that you are, you are a wonderful, valued person. We are more in this life than just the numbers on a scale or the size on a tag.

    Blessings to you and please ... don't ever let anyone put you down or make you feel less than who and what you truly are. If it's weight loss that you seek, it will happen but not because someone was cruel enough to "guilt you" into it.

    OK ... Off my soapbox now. :smile:
  • I'm doing the Dukan diet, it's healthy and you lose weight fast! I've been on it for 2 weeks and I've lost about 9lbs and an inch off my measurements, which is pretty good considering I'm pretty close to my goal and the last 15lbs are supposed to be the hardest to shift! I had my first 'have you lost weight?' comment day which was nice :)

    You go girl! Maybe I'll look into this. I've been just doing a natural diet trying to consume mostly just fruits, veggies and lean meats/proteins and snacking twice throughout the day between meals to keep my metabolism working. Lots of fish and chicken and apples with natural peanut butter for a snack or almonds...So far so good.
  • 20lbs in a month, ok ... get a gym membership and plan to burn 2300 calories a day

    If there really was a real fast and easy way to get rid of weight, wouldn't we all be doing that ??