253lbs...Time to make a change

I have always struggled with my weight, just as my entire family has and continues to do so. I was always the "skinniest" of my 3 brothers and 1 sister. After one child, a stressful and emotional separation, and a desk job I have gained a considerable amount of weight (60lbs) in the past 5 years, In 2007 I was 197lbs and today I am 253lbs. I feel like I am setting my 5 year old son up for failure as well. I don't want him to pick up the bad eating habits that I grew up with and still carry to this day. I am an emotional eater, I make bad choices and I don't excersise enough. When it comes to weightloss, I am never successful...I start running and about 1 month later I quit, I start eating healthy and 6 weaks later I quit. This has been the patern for me for the last 5 years. I used to be a firefighter, I was by far the most fit and strong person of my peers. I have done a lot of amazing things and I know I can do this, it's just so hard. I want this weight gone! I want to look and feel good and I want my family, friends and coworkers to tell me that I look good...something I haven't heard in a very long time. Wish me luck folks.


  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    You can do it!! The key is sticking with it. It can be frustrating to not see results FAST, but the rewards are great when you keep going over the long term. Feel free to add me, I like to encourage my friends!
  • ShannonD13
    ShannonD13 Posts: 51 Member
    Good Luck to you!!
  • Faericn_Rising
    You are in the right place... MFP has a great support system, and as long as you stick to your caloric amount given by MFP to reach your goals, and do the exercise (if there is any in the equation you made when setting up your profile...) you WILL succeed. Trust me, i suck at losing weight, and i hit 300 lbs before i got in control... and it was ALL because of MFP. :-)

    Good luck, and feel free to FR me!
  • blueeylb
    blueeylb Posts: 297 Member
    welcome to mfp and to a new you!! you can add me if your looking for more support!
  • tidesong
    tidesong Posts: 451 Member
    You can do it!! Taking the first step is such a difficult one, and you've done it! Now, if you get involved here, find friends for a support/cheering group, you really can do this!
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 552 Member
    Welcome to MFP :flowerforyou:
  • florymonde
    florymonde Posts: 261 Member
    Good for you for trying! And it is good to remember that your weight does not define you. You have been successful at other things, and you can succeed at this, too!

    I like to think of it in terms of practicing. I play the piano, but I didn't start off playing well. It took years of practice to get to a point where I was comfortable having others listen to me!

    When you're trying to change your eating/fitness habits, it's going to take practice. Some days you'll make mistakes. But, if you get up the next morning and keep practicing, eventually you'll improve, and it'll get easier. Forgive yourself for the mistakes, and keep practicing!
  • mandilwebb
    mandilwebb Posts: 13 Member
    You CAN do it! My highest weight was 254 years ago and I'm down to 166 now. I've been thru a divorce before as well, I have a 3.5 year old and I have a desk job too. It's not easy but if I can make it happen- ANYONE CAN :) Good luck!
  • Lex_Boogie
    I joined MFP back in the Spring or Summer, but just started logging in this past Sunday. There seems to be a vast amount of knowledge here and tons of support, so you're definitely chosen the right program! Best wishes with your journey!!
  • nata100
    I can relate as my story is similar to yours (although I was never a firefighter... lol). After stopping smoking 10 months ago, it was now time for my Phase II change. I have been doing Eat to Live since October 9 and am doing very well. So Good Luck to you. If I can do this, everyone can !!! You can friend me if you wish for support.
  • toridehaven
    Good luck! I can really relate to most of what you said and I get how hard this is. I am on the same path. You can add me if you want I would love to be part of your support system! We can cheer eachother on.
  • dynad
    dynad Posts: 87 Member
    Welcome and we can do this together! You can add me as a friend!!
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    You can do it doll!!! Feel free to add me ^u^ Good luck!!!
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    As you know, I am sure, it is going to take a lot more than luck to break bad habits, although I do wish you luck. The trick is never-ever give up. If you fall flat on your face with bad choices one day, get right back up and keep pushing. I promise to do the same (highest weight 207, last weight nearly one month ago 186, 7 pounds lost since joining MFP).
  • astuteliz
    We have very similar stories! I have started many times to lose weight and have not been successful, but I am very optimistic that this time will be different. Sometimes we will lose focus, but the key is to never to give up. When life knocks you sown you have two choices, either stay down or get up! i choose to get up every time, and so apparently do you. Congrats on starting a new program and the very best of luck with your weight loss journey. :smile:
  • jeanb618
    So many good replies, hard to say something that others haven't.

    Instead I'll talk about being 301. I've always been heavy but 300 lbs was ridiculous. I used another method to lose 100 lbs and believe I was successful because I was writing everything down - - logging my food, water and exercise. Be honest. Not only will it keep you honest, it will give you a record to go back to when you want to reinforce all the good things you are doing for yourself or detect anything that might be impeding your weight loss.

    A friend introduced me to MFP. I was happy to find MFP because it's so easy (once you get the hang of it). My new goal is to get to my goal weight (I have 45ish lbs to go). I'm logging again and am feeling back in control.

    Do this for yourself and your son. Now is the time to teach him lots of good eating habits. Hopefully if he learns them now they'll stick with him for a lifetime!

    Good luck and hang in there!
  • beyondliving4ne1
    I wish you luck! I know I used to be very athletic and now my knees crack and pop, i get out of breath going up a flight of stairs, i cough a lot, i am just in such poor health. I want to play tennis again and dance again, the things I used to do very well. I know that people tell me not to give up, but I do. I will tell you to do your best and when you make mistakes (because you will) just remember that the next meal or workout or day is a new one and you don't have to repeat it. You can take a deep breath and say "I am going to give it my all!"

    It will be ok!
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I know that you can do this! You have the right mindset and have a great reason for wanting to become healthy. It took time to gain the wt. and it will take a while for it to come off. Just take it one day at a time and it will happen. Please feel free to add me for support and encouragement.
  • SweetMomma06
    You can do anything that you set your mind to.
    Good luck to you and welcome to MFP. :flowerforyou:
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    Wow...thank you very much. I am in tears reading all of these replies. Thank you so much for the encouragement!