Nike Fuel Band, Jawbone Up, Fitbit One



  • maryannelk
    maryannelk Posts: 707 Member
    I have a Nike FuelBand and I LOVE it! The band is easy to wear and seems durable. (I can't tell you how many clip-on pedometers I lost.) Because you wear it on your wrist, I don't think it's an incredibly accurate pedometer. It is an incredible motivational tool to increase your overall activity. I'm not really sure what NikeFuel is, but that doesn't matter. I earn more of it by moving. The "data" really gets me going. My goal is 3K per day. The display is simple and lets me know if I need to "step it up" and get more Fuel. It seems to do a good job of differentiating intensity.

    Downsides...You cant wear it while swimming and you can't add workout manually.

    Blutooth syncing over my phone works well. I generally charge every two days. When you charge, it syncs automatically to the website. Never had any tech issues with any of this.

    The psychology behind the FuelBand really works. I am totally bought in. I WANT to see the little light show when I reach my goal and so have done nutty things like walked the dog at 10:00 at night (he was very confused, but happy to go!) or gone to the gym instead of HH. All good things!

    I might have tried the UP, but it was in "redevelopment" when I was shopping.
  • therayeraye
    therayeraye Posts: 17 Member
    I know this thread is a little old but I just wanted to throw in my experience

    I got the Jawbone UP band for Christmas this year and have been using it everyday since I got it. I love the sleep tracking and have found the band really easy to wear and haven't had any problems with showering or even swimming (it says not to wear it swimming but honestly I now forget I'm wearing it so it has by accident taken a dip). In regards to the accuracy by wearing it on your wrist it says it's tracking "steps" but obviously it's more just tracking movement with the MotionX tech and that's why they ask you wear it on your non dominant hand. There is an advanced calibration you can do to minimize the error to some degree.

    I'm not a huge fan of the app's food tracking because I think it's weird that it's easier to add processed food than fresh food... but overall it does the trick. The app tracking other worksouts is cool though and I like the community/teams feature because other people I know have UP bands too it's motivating in a dork way :D

    Overall I would recommend it to someone looking to track their movement and especially their sleep I really like it. I haven't tried either the Fuel band or a fitbit so I can't make a comparison though.
  • kkerruish
    I got the Nike Fuel Band about a month ago, and I'm really enjoying it.

    My approach to weight loss at 42 is - I need to do something that I can maintain, regardless of my arthritis, weather, mood, etc... and since I like eating (look forward to each meal as a treat), I just need to offset... I don't have any extreme goals, just to feel better and lose weight (to feel better)...

    It's not as accurate as I would like (if your hands are in your pocket, it doesn't always count the steps...) but it's been a great motivational device for me.

    I use it more for the 'steps' than the fuel - and I'd rather it miss steps than add them arbitrarily (doesn't hurt to walk a bit more, does it?)

    I'm not gonzo about exercise and activity - but the steps counting does make me park further from the door most of the time, take longer walks with the dog, etc... and logging my food here on at least makes me aware of what I'm eating... which has it's own effects. I don't beat myself up if I blow through my daily intake, as at least I'm paying attention now and know what's in the snack I'm eating, or the foods I like.

    My thoughts are that nothing will be perfect - calorie counts on foods are approximated, so it's okay to approximate the number of steps...

    I highly recommend the FuelBand - it's a visible reminder that your'e actively trying to improve yourself, gives a decent approximation of your activity, and provides good information.

    Some things most people don't know about the fuel band:
    1) You can charge it off any USB charging device - convenient
    2) You don't have to sync every day, it stores the information so you can sync when you want to (having an android phone, I don't sync every day because there is no app)
    3) It's one of the few that has a readout on it - so you can quickly check your estimated calories burned, steps taken, or 'Fuel' points (really wish I knew how to equate those to real world information).


    Hope this review helps.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I have the Jawbone Up and enjoy it. It does what it says, and I love the added sleep feature that Nike doesn't have. The fitbit didn't seem to fit into what I was looking for. I feel like I would lose it and I have to clip it to something at night for it to work, which doesn't work for me, just easier to just have it on my wrist.

    Just realized this post is from last year....
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 896 Member
    still don't know what to get
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    You need to work out your priorities:

    All day or just exercise?
    What type of exercise do you do?
    Accuracy vs appearance/ practicality
    Do you mind paying a monthly subscription for accuracy