

  • sezi62
    sezi62 Posts: 18 Member
    Love lentil curry...well can also do chana daal which is chick peas...really lovely with a piece of flat bread like chapatis which are so easy to make, basically just flour and water...thanks for your input
  • sezi62
    sezi62 Posts: 18 Member
    My biggest tip is to know how much the things you buy normally cost. Its all too easy to see an "offer" and assume its good value. Similarly posher brands on offer can be better value. When you know your base prices you can make informed decisions.

    I have started shopping in Aldi - much cheaper than the main supermarkets and actually a lot nicer for many things.

    Yep Aldi and Lidls are really good...
  • sezi62
    sezi62 Posts: 18 Member
    Since coming to uni I live off £5 a week. Dont eat any meat products instead use dried beans for my protein and buy in bulk when I can. The supermarkets are terrible here, and we dont have a farmers market or anything like that close enough to visit. I pretty much live off lentil curry.

    I only just learnt to answer a particular I do sort of repeat this later on down the page...Anyway lentil curry or daal is lovely and chana daal...chickpea curry is great too and if you are feeling lazy you can use tinned chickpeas..although that would be more costly....

    I also make chapatis sometimes or have pitta bread with is lovely..

    cucumber raita (cu and plain yogurt) goes really well with daal also especial;y if it is a hot curry.

    Thanks for your input
  • sezi62
    sezi62 Posts: 18 Member
    Not really much of an answer but i would love to hear some more ideas. Me and my other half 'get by' but fell into the stupidity of using pay day loans when we were so broke :( im hoping to get out of that cycle this month and really work hard to make our wages last a full month.

    Im my own worst enemy in some respects though!

    Oh no!! you arent the only one I owe one over 600quid and have no way of paying it at the moment as I have stopped working due to a few different things coming all at once..

    I do hope you get out of the cycle too and that I do