Anyone else think the BMI calculator sucks?

I'm 5'6, 146 pounds, and just not comfortable with my body right now so I want to get down to 135 by December (aka TOMORROW!!! I wish!). I was curious about my BMI, and although it says I'm within range it says I could still be considered a healthy weight at 115! I would wear a size 00 if I were 115 pounds! That's not healthy!


  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I don't know what you're talking about.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    The BMI was created as a way to examine relative weights of populations (whether people with BMI's over 26 have a greater risk of heart attack, for example). It was never meant to be a health predictor for one particular person, and it certainly can't predict what your personal size preference would be.
  • I did not know that - thank you!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm 5'6, 146 pounds, and just not comfortable with my body right now so I want to get down to 135 by December (aka TOMORROW!!! I wish!). I was curious about my BMI, and although it says I'm within range it says I could still be considered a healthy weight at 115! I would wear a size 00 if I were 115 pounds! That's not healthy!

    Frame size is a factor, which is why the range for a healthy BMI is almost 40 pounds.

    I know someone who is 5'4" and looks amazing at 104 pounds.
  • I would look like a skeleton at 5 ' 4" at 115 pounds. Also factor in at what weight does your body resist infection and disease the best. Also where the weight gets distributed is important- as I age a lot of abdominal fat has settled. Ugh, hard to get rid of. I am almost 70, very strong and would be pleased to weigh about 140-145.
  • SamHaggag
    SamHaggag Posts: 2 Member
    The best way to track your body composition is % lean body mass. There's a good website to look at called Scooby's workshop. This guy knows his stuff and there's a ton of useful information on the site.

    I hope it helps
  • BMI sucks *kitten*! How can you take someone's height and weight and deduct whether they're overweight from that?!?! 6 foot guy weighs 17 stone = is a couch potato swilling 4 pints a day vs 6 foot 17 stone rugby prop forward fit as fiddle and looks after himself! Big difference!
  • BMI sucks *kitten*! How can you take someone's height and weight and deduct whether they're overweight from that?!?! 6 foot guy weighs 17 stone = is a couch potato swilling 4 pints a day vs 6 foot 17 stone rugby prop forward fit as fiddle and looks after himself! Big difference!

    You made me laugh - thank you! :) (And, what you said is SO true!)
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I agree - BMI is only one "Measuring stick' on a person that needs more than one. My BMI is Fantastic, but my Fat % is NOT, i need more muscle and less fat.... the scale doesn't tell you that, so the BMI calculation doesn't tell you that
  • now Im totally confused...........I thought BMI was an airline????
  • now Im totally confused...........I thought BMI was an airline????

    Ha ha!
  • go by your BF%
  • Interestingly, my doctor's office tracks the BMI's of my 4 and 6 year old children. Neither are overweight at all, but it's on their chart and tracked.
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    Is it possible you're doing it wrong? A healthy BMI range @ 5'6" is 115-155. Either way, I wouldn't sweat it too much!
  • RyanWilson1993
    RyanWilson1993 Posts: 409 Member
    I wouldnt worry about BMI worry more about your body fat percentage
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    go by your BF%

  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    BMI cannot differenciate between LBM and BF so if you ask me, it's a worthless #. I'm 5'1", 126lbs, BF is 18% and I wear a size 0-3 depending on the clothes. I have no clue what my BMI is. It's an age old method for doctors to guess if you are in a healthy weight range.

    When Arnold Schwarzenegger was in his prime competing, his BMI based on height and weight put him in the obese range, yet his body fat was below 10%. Hardly accurate by any stretch of the imagination :-)
  • Agree about bf% but it also depends on your build. I'm not even going to say how much I weigh but it looks good on me. Some people at the same weight and height might look a bit thin so it just all depends on the person and also their age