Evening cravings?

I'm a college student and each evening as I work on my homework and wind down from class I crave chips and processed crap. I put all of it out of my reach, thankfully, which has made me stop going to get them, but the craving is still there. Are there any tips to help stop the cravings? Or what to do when I feel myself reaching for the box of crackers?


  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I just let myself have evening snacks (usually two of them, after dinner). I try to make one of them "healthier" but I always have one that most people would probably consider junk. I set aside the calories for it and pre-log my food. I also set myself a time table, so I know if I wait until 9 pm I can have something chocolate. I also fix myself some veggies after I do my grocery shopping so I have pre-made baggies with carrots, cucumber, or other low-cal vegetables in the fridge. I use these if I'm still hungry at the end of the day but don't have a lot of calories left.
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    When you eat a carbohydrate heavy snack or meal, your blood sugar will rise. Your pancreas then releases insulin in order to lower your blood sugar. When your blood sugar is low again your body sends you a signal to EAT NOW. It then becomes a vicious cycle when you reach for another carbohydrate heavy snack.

    The solution is to add more protein to your evening meal, and/or to the snacks you are having. It's okay for you to have a snack of crackers, but eat the crackers with cheese, or with peanut butter. Or have some cottage cheese with fruit, or eat a piece of chicken with a slice of bread, etc.

    The point is to pair protein with carbohydrate.

    The protein will moderate the insulin response and will leave you feeling more satiated. You will feel fuller longer and you will be less inclined to reach for another snack so soon.

    It's also important to get a good amount of protein (around 20-30g) early in your day. (It doesn't have to be first thing when you wake up if you are not the sort of person who likes to eat breakfast right upon wakening. But have a good amount of protein with your first meal of the day. It will provide you with energy and keep you feeling full until your next meal.)
  • Hulk0511
    Hulk0511 Posts: 407 Member
    my grocery store makes chips out of carrots they slice them in a way they look like ruffles. they are great with hummus
  • dandksmommy
    swap cookies and chips for healthy crackers like WASA Rosemary or Light Rye and add a little peanut butter - yum. also try Walden Farms sugar free sauces. when i want a lil snack late at night I pour sugar free chocolate sauce over strawberries or even drizzle it over apples. i know how hard it is. i quit processed sugary snacks breads pasta and alcohol for a month. when i had a oops day it lead to a week of carb loading and 5+ pounds. felt like crap because i was eating crap. i am back on the wagon again and honestly i feel much better not eating carb crap food. good luck - you can do it. moderation.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    try to eat your carbohydrates with fats and protein to keep your insulin from spiking so much. and if youre still hungry have a small healthy snack.
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    I've found that the longer I maintained a diet full of veggies, healthy fat, protein, etc. the less I would have cravings for junk. Also, my cravings went WAY down when I started eating more than 1200 calories and getting 100g or more of protein daily.

    I think when you crave junk food, it's partly out of habit and partly because your body actually needs more calories or more nutrients. Just my two cents.

    Oh, and when I was a college student, I think I needed more calories, and especially more healthy fat. That will help feed your brain. Even now if I'm working on something that requires a lot of concentrated thinking, I'll get hungry faster.
  • Shrelana
    Shrelana Posts: 248 Member
    If you crave chips, you could try roasting yourself some almonds - about 1/2 tablespoon butter to 4 tablespoons of sliced almonds...

    I used to crave chips all the time, and this has become my go-to :)