NO self control...HELP



  • chanellenoble
    chanellenoble Posts: 37 Member
    You want it because you think you can't have it and you shouldn't then it feels soooo good to eat it until the guilt hit.


    Take the forbidden out of those foods. Stick a snacks/treats section into your diary. Next, divide your calories into roughly quarters. Allow yourself to eat NO MORE than one of those quarters in your snacks section every day. Pre-plan your treats. Place them onto a treat plate. If it is icecream then MEASURE IT OUT in the morning before you feel like it. Cover it then put back in the freezer for later. Then you know by night time if you keep your breakfast/lunch/dinner to 3/4 of your calories then you can have your treat plate. If you get to dinner time and you are really hungry then look at whether you want all of your treat plate and the regular dinner or half your treat plate and a bigger dinner.

    If you control your sweets portions they won't control you.

    ^ This has helped me more then you can imagine :)
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    Try drinking a chocolate protein shake....
  • rousehouse
    rousehouse Posts: 133 Member
    Do you drink a lot of diet soda? I found that I was always hungry when I drank that stuff. For me, the rumour was true that it increased my appetite.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Also, many people suffer from food addictions. Maybe you need to do your research. Yes your eating is by choice, but it is the same as an alcoholic wanting a glass of wine.

    My immediate thought was this ^^^^

    I am a recovering anorexic/bulimic so I, unfortunately, have many years' experience of addiction. You have to cut out the addictive foods, go completely cold turkey for a good long while and then re-examine how you feel about using those foods to make you feel better or worse. (it can be a vicious cycle of overeating, feeling guilty so eating more, etc) All food is ultimately fuel/energy for your body and simple carbs are the easiest to mis-use and over indulge in. You can still have them, but only after you have beaten the cycle, can you re-introduce them in smaller amounts.
  • Sweety, don't feel guilty about eating these things. It's all about moderation. You ARE human and you are going to have food cravings. The most important thing to remember is to think 'are you really hungry?' when you're eating these items and that you can buy lower calorie/healthier versions of the chocolate treats you love. For example, dry dark chocolate opposed to milk- it's got more antioxidants and because of the richness you only need a little to feel satisfied. When you have a cookie craving bake your own- this way you know exactly what's going into them, make a whole batch and pop them in the freezer so they last longer. The most important thing is not to tell yourself you can't have them, I find from personal experience this makes me just want it more. Instead tell yourself that if you still want this cookie tomorrow or the next day you can have it then. You'll either find you want the cookie or you don't but in the mean time you've stopped yourself bingeing.. Hope this helps and good luck :)
  • TiffersStr1
    TiffersStr1 Posts: 67 Member
    have your chocolate. have your ice cream. moderation is the key to all of this. AND counting it all as going into your mouth. Good luck!
  • Every time I've failed it's because I attach a negative emotion to food.
    The worse I believe it is the more I want it.

    Now that nothing is off the menu, I just have to work it in, I want those foods so much less.
    Chips are my downfall. I can eat chips all day. In 3 1/2 months I've had 2 servings and I was really disappointed. I knew they weren't naughty and I had plenty of allowance for them. They just lost their appeal.
    I'm also currently selling chocolates for my roller derby team's fundraiser. Out of the 5 boxes (that's 250 chocolates) that have passed through my hands I've had 3. There's a whole box sitting on my dining table that I simply have no interest in. I could even eat one now and still not even come close to meeting goal. I could have 2 if I wanted. Eh.

    Food is highly emotional for us. It's attached to so many events and memories that our relationships with food are hard to understand and change. From what you've written you said you dig in with your family. Is it just triggered by eating with them? Maybe you need to consider why it's so hard for you, is it bonding, not wanting to be left out, good times happening around food? You can still have these moments, you can work the food in by measuring your portion or eat something else. Have some yogurt instead of ice cream. I know in Aus we have some frozen yogurts that are nicer than ice cream.
  • kimbolay7
    kimbolay7 Posts: 96 Member
    Honestly, I went from eating large amounts of chocolate and drinking at least four cans of coke daily to cutting it out completely. One day a week I'll have something yummy. Usually on a Saturday :) my body used to crave it like mad, I'd find things to keep me busy like paint my nails and such and drink lots of water and snack or fruit and things! It's a hard process, I was addicted, feel like I've gone cold turkey LOL! You'll get there. :)