Just a vent then I will be fine

I have to post a mini vent mostly because getting it out will keep me motivated.

I can't wait for the day I do not have to wear yoga pants 24/7! I cannot stand the way I look in Jeans right now it makes me super uncomfortable to wear them in public. I have what I like to call the front butt, in all of jeans, I know some of it Is from my c-section but I also know alot of it is from my weight!
I was sad this morning, I got up excited to get to spend the morning in my daughters K class but was depressed the second I tried to put on real clothes and my front butt came popping out! I know my daughter is to little to care, but I hate looking like the frumpy mom, but i also HATE looking like I can't fit in my clothes. I think I mostly get frustrated because on day's like this I think stupid stuff like "Thats it I am going to start Skipping meals" When I know full well that 1. Its a stupid idea and 2. I could never do it! I would make it half a day then feel starved and eat uncontrollably.

OK I am done making you all read my pity party, I think today is the day I am going to step up my strength training. There need to be some inches lost down there! lol


  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I'm sorry. Use it for motivation. It CAN go away.

    BTW, some gentle - then not so gentle - exercises for your abs will help you a lot and faster than calorie deficits alone. Especially if part of it is the c-section. Sometimes gut fat comes off last. But exercise will make it look LOTS better while it's still there.
  • IronDame
    IronDame Posts: 275
    I'm sorry you are feeling so down on yourself. Like nxd said, use it at motivation. Take that motivation and work hard and eat right. You can lose this weight!! Good luck!
  • 28848
    28848 Posts: 32 Member
    I feel your pain. Could you wear a shaper on days like that? They aren't particularly comfortable, but sometimes it makes your clothes look a lot better.

    Hang in there!! Don't give up.....you can do this!
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    Keep your head up and stick with it - it didn't come on overnight and it won't come off overnight either. Just stay motivated and work hard, you will see your results soon enough.
  • jkleeh
    jkleeh Posts: 108 Member
    Thank you to all of you! despite my frustration I had a good day yesterday. I got to spend all day at my daughters school and watching her and seeing how smart she is was amazing and I had a ton of fun.

    I do have a question about the ab workout, I heard that you shouldn't work your abs everyday so I have been trying to do it 3 times a week, is that ok or still to much?
  • We have all been there..although I have lost almost 50 lbs, I still hate to look at myself in the mirror..I've always hated looking at myself...you'll get through this..you are here for a reason..for yourself and for your daughter..she loves her mommie and that's all that matters..

    It will take some time but I guarentee it is all worth it when those lbs start to come off! You're doing great!!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    It depends how hard you work them. Strength training, I understand, is best every other day because you need at least a day between to let your body repair.

    However, some exercises are much simpler and you can do every day. One I got from my mom works very well. Lay on your back. Push your tummy out as much as possible and hold it for 10 seconds. Pull it in as a hard as you can and hold 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times every day. That is a simple exercise you really can see differences with quickly. My mom does it with books on her stomach.

    Another one I like I do driving. While driving, I sit up very straight and pull up all my muscles - those 'pelvic' ones, your inner ab ones, your back muscles. This isn't a 'hold your breath' kind of pull in, but a conscious tightening. You can feel them slowly contracting over the first 30-60 seconds. Holding them for 5-10 minutes while driving - really just having excellent posture - becomes quite tiring, so you know it is working the muscles. And again, it seem to help.

    I have found that I have lost enough weight that my core muscles are too lose for the flesh they have to hold together right now, which is causing me back problems. Just like after I had my kids. Simple muscles you can do every day help me.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Oh, das pooch. Don't be too hard on yourself - I've never had a baby and had a pooch that you could swing from the rafters by!

    I was a serial dodger of jeans back in the day - not just because of the gunt (I'm sorry that's a crasser than crass word, but it suited me), but because they'd dig into my belly so much the crease it left behind would be beyond sore.

    Personally, I found that a good mix of cardio, followed by more frequent lifting, really helped with my belly. Cardio zapped the fat enough to shrink it to a respectable level, and weights are helping with that last bit.

    All the best, you CAN do it xxx