anybody else loose weight like me

My body seems to be different than most. previously I had lost 35lbs (gained 15 back, lol) , it did it then and I'm seeing it again.

I don't loose weight steadily and constantly like most people, my weight will stay the same for a whole month then one day it will drop 5lbs, then it will stay the same again for a whole month and then drop again by 5lbs. It does tend to get frustrating to not see a regular weight loss like most people and I have really bad days where I feel that all this work is not worth it (work as in staying away from sweets) but then it will drop all of a sudden. I need to hide my scale and only take it out once a month.

is anybody else like this or is it just me??

and before anybody asks, yes I eat all my calories and at least half my exercise calories. I eat lots of fruits and veggies and only whole wheat pastas and bread and only brown rice. I currently work out by digging in the garden daily preparing for planting that is soon to come. My body just seems to have a different way of loosing weight


  • sallyah13
    sallyah13 Posts: 44 Member
    I am similar and lose one week and then not again for a couple of weeks. However, I have noticed that on the weeks that the scale doesn't change the tape measure does. I highly recommend keeping those measurements because sometimes they really do tell the rest of the story. Good luck!
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    What's wrong with being different? Maybe it "sucks" not being able to report the losses as frequently, but other than that you are still in the same boat :) We're all eating better and exercising, THAT'S what matters imo.

    I grew up feeling like I never "fit in" and desperately wanted to, being different was wrong somehow.

    Now I have my own kids and I tell them daily that it's GREAT being different! EVERYBODY is different in some way or another :)

    You're making positive changes to your life and learning that yes, you ARE different...but you recognize that...keep up the good work and I guarantee you'll be successful. If I were in your shoes I would seriously consider taking the scale out once a month. I make suggestions to people all the time to NOT weigh in daily because of how they're feeling about it....
  • tnmomma32010
    I tend to lose weight the exact same way. I get frusterated alot, but I am still determined to keep at it. My weight loss history would definately be compared to a yo yo, but my weight gain all came with my kids. Granted, I know I should not have gained weight the way I did while I was pregnant, but I did. And now, I won't have the excuse of being pregnant to gain weight. And on top of that I had to have a complete hysterectomy. So now I am having a hard time losing, and I am afraid that when I do lose the weight, that I will end up gaining the weight back, because that is what I have done for the past three years.
    I was thinking about how I lose weight and then it seems like forever before I lose weight again while I was taking my walk today. I am not sure if I am hitting miny platues or what, but I'll just have to keep going. I wish you the best of luck and I feel your frustration.
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I am the exact same! I won't see any significant loss for weeks, I might even see a slight gain and then bam! I'll lose 4-5 pounds in a week. I just keep my eye on a general downward trend.
  • annastasia76
    annastasia76 Posts: 123 Member
    thanks all, I was not complaining, I was just wondering if anybody else looses weight like me. It's good to see when you are not the only one. I've had people look at me funny when I say that my weight loss shows only once a month, lol.

    I just figured that this would be a good thread for those who are just starting out and are feeling frustrated because they are not showing a significant loss right away. And actually for those that are newbies, I tend to gain 5lbs in the beginning before I loose anything.
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    Speaking for myself, no matter how healthy my diet is, I do not lose weight quickly if I eat bread, pasta (even though its whole grain) or drink diet sodas. When I cut those items out, my weight loss speeds up. Something about wheat/grains causes fluid retention or alergic reaction in me. This week I"m cutting out the caffiene and anything with flour, got the head ache from hell but it will pass, I"ve been down this road before and I know it will be worth it because in a few days the lbs will start coming off again. Just my own personal experience
  • llanas77
    I totally agree about the measurements telling the true story. I opt not to look at the scale too often as it can be discouraging. The way my clothes fit and measurements change are a much better reward for me than the number on the scale :)
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Unfortunately you are not the only one. I have been steady with this for 3 weeks and finally lost 2lbs. It is frustrating but I do lifts weights and do cardio 6x per week so I know that for me forget about Mr. Scale. The only time that I have actually lost consistently was after my second pregnancy when I did LA weight loss and did not exercise except for 1-2x per week. I actually dropped 10lbs in 1 month.

    So for me I do weekly measurements on 6 body sites and I have a pair of jeanss that are used as my testers to guage the changes in my body. The truth is that our clothes will not lie to us so I use those two things to keep me focused when I feel like sulking at my woes:bigsmile:

  • annastasia76
    annastasia76 Posts: 123 Member
    see for me I've been trying to judge with my measurements and they bounce back and forth daily, my jeans are fitting better though I don't think I'm going to hit my goal and getting into my size 12's by my birthday, I'm soo close too.
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    sometimes the slow weight loss is due to repetitive routines. the body loves routine and quickly adjusts to it, for example if you are an early riser like me you go to where you workout and you do your stretches, some time on the bike, a bit on the elliptical and some free weights. Then you go home to breakfast. I fell into this pattern and then I read that you should keep your body guessing so that it has to work and lose weight.

    I changed my workout routine to elliptical, abs, and machine weights M & W, bike, abs and free weights on T & Th, then Friday I do a double work out with a the bike and elliptical for an hour each and no weights. Sat and Sun I do more free weights and a sprint on the elliptical or bike. Sometimes I take Sunday off.

    What I noticed is that I wasn't dropping large amounts of weight but it was coming off gradually and consistently. Something you might want to consider in your daily routine.