Tips or tricks for grocery shopping...

Deweypc20 Posts: 68 Member
edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
So I am a newly single guy that always bought food for two, and am now trying to eat super healthy.

I find myself running into food going bad because it can be difficult to get through everything I buy.

I know the answer is likely to simply portion out the whole week, but was curious what you folks do to prepare for the week.

Do you prepare every meal for every day for the week? Do you freeze some things then thaw them out for lunch? Do you go shopping more than once a week?

Wanted to get some ideas on how you go about your preparation and your day.



  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    I make a menu before I go shopping. Do the shopping once and your set. That way you can create meals that utilize foods more than once so it can be used up (produce especially) Good luck!
  • I go shopping about twice a week! Once on the weekend to stock up on everything and again on Wednesday or Thursday to stock up. Its not a big deal because I live in Southern California close to LA where there's a grocery store about every mile or two..

    I tried just going once a week, but I love my fresh fruits and veggies too much & I hate wasting them so I try to buy just what I need. :]
  • SarahJayRigdon
    SarahJayRigdon Posts: 113 Member
    When I was single I found it easier to go to the store everyday on my way home from school or work, that way I never had any treats in the house and my produce or meat never went bad. I also lived in one of those student living apartments and we shared the fridge so there was never much room in it anyway :)
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I also make a menu for the week before I go shopping. Also, usually on Sundays we make a large batch of soup or stew or chili and portion it out in individual containers for the week. That way you have a healthy lunch available if you're in a pinch. I also but a huge Costco veggie tray every week, that way it's in the fridge and ready to go for snacks.
  • amberc1982
    amberc1982 Posts: 468 Member
    My son and I are the only ones in my house that eat healthy. My husband is as thin as a rail and says he doesn't need to watch what he is eating. I normally go shopping abt every two weeks when I get paid. I try to buy only enough to last that two weeks.
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member
    I live by myself and have a pretty demanding work schedule. Everything is streamlined so I don't have to cook much (or think much, lol) during the week.

    I tend to buy all my meats on the weekend so that I can marinate and freeze them for eating during the week.

    I buy produce once a week in small portions. I find that stone friut (apples, nectarines, etc) don't go bad as fast as others. Pears are also great because they take 3-4 days to ripen, so you have fresh fruit later in the week. You can eat them raw with nuts and cheese, grill them and put them on salads, or bake or poach them for deserts.

    I keep lemons and limes around because they keep for a while. I put slices in my water or squeeze them over meats and other fruits for something interesting.

    I rarely buy lettuce because it just doesn't keep. Spinach, on the other hand, can be put on sandwiches, on pastas, steamed as a side, or boiled in soups, and it'll last about 10 days in a ziplock bag.

    I also have a rice cooker and it saves me a ton of time. I add my rice and take the dog for a walk. It's also good for heating up leftover soup.

    Hope you find some of this helpful!
  • What foods are going bad and how long does it take? Food going bad is a good thing because it means it has some nutrition in left in them :) Food that lasts forever when stored open on the countertop is a worry :)
    Is it bad after a week ? It sounds like you shop once a week because you mention a solution of shopping more than once a week. You could break up your shops, like shop large for all the accessories to life, like toothpaste, TP, cleaning stuff, soaps, detergent etc etce once a month, but shop for food items once a week.

    Is it vegetables going bad ? Which sort ? A carrot will last longer than a head of brocolli.
    Hopefully they are in the fridge, and if they are fresh when bought, they should last more than a week. Keep them in their seperate plastic bags and allow then to breath. (punch a small hole or don't seal completely airtight). Get some good quality bags too.
    Also, there are some foods that don't store well together. Mainly fruits and vegetables, so try storing those in different drawers in your fridge (or get creative with containers if you fridge doesn't have multiple produce drawers), Maybe your frdge is set at the wrong temperature too. Make sure you buy the freshest/firmest you can too. Spend a few extra seconds on each vegetable you buy and check them out. If it doesn't pass the test, don't buy it and come back another day.

    Meats will store well in the fridge too, but you can't keep them all in there forever in a day. If something is going to stay in th efridge longer than 3-4 days after it's bought, we'll typically put it in the freezer. Often, the "best" meats we'll not freeze and eat right away. But stuff that is easy to defrost and/or doesn't really taste any different post freezing, we'll freeze straight away.
    Also, check the "use by date" on the meat too. Often, they do a special at the grocery store where the food is cheaper .... but that simply means it may have taken a while to sell. You may get that meat chep on the 25th .... but it's use by is the 27th ... put that stuff straight in the feezer if you buy it.

    Good bread isn't supposed to last very long, but, you can help its cause by keeping it in a cool, dark and dry location. Grains etc will keep a while too ... so long as you store them in the cool, dry & dark location too.

    It's just "organization" of your food really.... both when you first buy it, and, after a few days of buying it. Over time, you'll notice that some foods last longer, and others don't. So, pay attention. Don't just stack everything together. If you put something in your fridge and it's been a few days, either eat it or freeze it ... or throw it away ...... remember the one bad apple ruins the bunch ? Well, it's true. If you let your foods sit, it only takes one bad vegentable/fruit to go bad, and it may accelerate the rest of them going bad.

    There are times when we throw away food because we didn't pay attention when we went shopping. e.g. I may have bought some zucchini on week 1 ... and neglected to use it. But in week 2 I bought some more. I then cooked some zuchini that night ... but used the new "week 2" ones rather than the old "week 1" batch (which was still good at that time). Then, a few days later, I go to cook some more zuchini ... but because I used the zuchini I had in the wrong order, the week 1 batch was starting to go bad :( Also, if I actually had left that zuchini in the fridge for more days without noticing, it may have increased the likelihood of other veges going bad too.

    Try googling some of your foods and how to store them. You may find some pretty obvious answers .... or ... perhaps you're just shopping too large.
  • I know it's a big change (bigger than you'd think) going from buying for two to buying for one. I think it boils down to what your cooking style/how much time you can spend cooking. My biggest struggle is making a balanced meal for just takes some effort sometimes to dirty all the pans, and put in all the work just for me, but I am getting better

    For me, I love to cook and I can open the pantry and fridge, find some ingredients I like and make something that almost resembles a meal with them. So I end up shopping once, maybe twice a week stocking up on things on sale or that I know I like (bulk meat that I portion out at home and freeze...sometimes in a marinade.., fresh fruit and veg and pantry basics as they run out). That way when I open the fridge I have fresh veg for curries or stirfries or salads, simple portioned meat and plenty of options that aren't complicated.

    If this style is not for you there are plenty of options on the web for weekly meal planning and recipie options. A great new one is When I get really busy I set aside a couple of hours one day (mine was Sunday) to get some cooking done...I'd cook real oatmeal and portion it for the week, precook chicken and make rice. Essentially do all the things I would rather not do when I'm hungry. It takes the work out of eating, because all I have to do at veg and sauce it and it's dinner.

    Hope this helps! As you can see, we are all here to help!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I buy meats and package them in single serving sizes, then freeze. I buy 3 or so fruits and 2-3 options for breakfast (rotating these as I get tired of this week turkey bacon and cereal, next week waffles and pb&j). I get single serving frozen veggies or small cans, as well as raw veggies, depending on what's in season. I use a lot of seasonings with brown rice or whole wheat pasta and add the meat. If you buy something like Pesto in a jar, it keeps forever in the fridge. Then if you want broiled/sauteed/baked chicken with pasta pesto, just slap a teaspon of pesto sauce on the pasta and sprinkle some permesan...add a veggie...and done. I freeze pita's for pizza and bruschetta, just take one out in the morning and by evening it's nicely defrosted.

    The secret is lots of variety in the things that can be frozen/packaged and a couple of fresh items to go with. Think small packages!
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    i have a family but i cook in large quantities so i am not cooking constantly. ie i make a crockpot of chili (very healthy stuff) weekly so we always have some for healthy snacks. i usually bring 1/2-1 cup to work everyday. i always grill up many chicken breasts at once again so i can use them for various recipes and bring to work. if i make salmon i always make extra for the next night or work the next day. by cooking extra you really save time. i dont really freeze anything because i dont like to plan ahead to defrost it. i keep certain staples in my fridge like cottage cheese (daily), eggs for egg white frittatas (daily), apples, berries, josephs pitas (which i buy in huge quantities and freeze because they are hard to find). good luck with your endeavor
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hey, Dewey! We have a giant calendar on our kitchen wall that we keep all our appointments and what not on, and we also do meals for 2 weeks at a time (the span of a paycheck). Maybe you could try something similar? Write down all your dinners for a week, then buy the ingredients needed. The following weekend, rinse & repeat! That way you are only buying what you need for that week, you know what's going on at all times, and you can buy FRESH stuff (cuz produce is awesome!)
  • Deweypc20
    Deweypc20 Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks guys for all that replied, all extremely helpful!

    Helps to get different ideas from people, and then incorporate what works for my time, lifestyle, preferences, etc.

    I think bottom line for me may be organization, and taking the time to plan properly. Usually I come up with a list of what I want for the week, with no thought to what is going towards what meal or snack, and that makes me run into problems.

    I think I may try to pre-plan meals into MFP to see where I would come out cal-wise at the end of each day, anyone do that?
  • Pre-planning into mfp helps me a lot, especially to know if I can afford a snack or not! :0)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Pre-planning is everything! Once we have meals planned out for those two weeks I told you about, I log all of them into MFP. After that, I log every other meal & snack around it. It's like one giant puzzle I do one night a week. It's really nice. No surprises, and if I don't feel like a particular meal that day, I switch it out for something else!
  • hateras
    hateras Posts: 33 Member
    I try not to have too much variety...I find that when I allow myself a lot to choose from I have a lot of stuff going bad. I pretty much stick to oatmeal for breakfast and either chicken or turkey that I prepare at the beginning of the week, so it's already cooked and ready to go either for lunch or dinner. Though I like to have plenty of selection, it goes to waste before I get to eat it all. I keep fresh salad items and fresh or frozen veggies to use as side items.
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