Dieting & Exercising- Joints are killing me!



  • waylandcool
    waylandcool Posts: 175 Member
    As someone with knee problems, recent knee surgery, it was hard for me to take it easy. I agree with the others with taking some time off or stick with the elliptical for a while. You also should try a knee brace, I have an Ace, with metal rods on the sides, I couldn't workout without. Ice afterwards and add an Aleve or ibuprofen to ease inflamation. I'm not a doctor, these are things that my ortho doc recommended to me. I have severe arthritis in both knees and he knows telling me to quit my workouts was useless.

    Did your knee brace ever seem to make it worse? I ask this bc there are some days when I wear my brace that it seems to feel super weak once I take it off when I get home.

    I wear a brace on each knee when I work out due to minor injuries with each of them. I feel better on the ellipitcal and in my boot camp class when I use them. I haven't had any problems with weakness when I take them off, although I do feel a little unsteady on the ellipitcal if I don't wear them, especially on my right knee.
  • cedarghost
    cedarghost Posts: 621 Member
    You may just need to take a good BCAA pill if you are not already doing so, but I feel your pain. My joints tend to hurt as well (mostly in my arms) even after I have taken a week off. Taking a multivitamin, BCAA, and a few other things really helped with this. You may want to try Methionine. It is specifically linked to studies that show that it is great for stabilizing joint cartridge and protecting joint tissue.
  • lizsmith1976
    lizsmith1976 Posts: 497 Member
    I walk on my rest days, but I am training for an Ironman, run A LOT of miles during the week, and need to keep my muscles loose.

    The fact that the elliptical is causing or exascerbating joint pain is scary. If you do take a week off and don't see relief at the end, please go see a doctor. The elliptical for me is actually rest because it is so easy on the joints...

    Fish oil supplements helped me and is recommended by my sis in law (an ER doc) for all types of joint pain. It also adds a smidge of healthy fat to your diet. If you are under on fat macro regularly and having joint pains, throw some olive oil into your diet. I hope you get better! Nothing more frustrating than pain keeping you from being able to workout!
  • RikkiDominey
    RikkiDominey Posts: 134 Member
    As someone with knee problems, recent knee surgery, it was hard for me to take it easy. I agree with the others with taking some time off or stick with the elliptical for a while. You also should try a knee brace, I have an Ace, with metal rods on the sides, I couldn't workout without. Ice afterwards and add an Aleve or ibuprofen to ease inflamation. I'm not a doctor, these are things that my ortho doc recommended to me. I have severe arthritis in both knees and he knows telling me to quit my workouts was useless.

    Did your knee brace ever seem to make it worse? I ask this bc there are some days when I wear my brace that it seems to feel super weak once I take it off when I get home.

    I wear a brace on each knee when I work out due to minor injuries with each of them. I feel better on the ellipitcal and in my boot camp class when I use them. I haven't had any problems with weakness when I take them off, although I do feel a little unsteady on the ellipitcal if I don't wear them, especially on my right knee.

    See my knee only hurts during workouts if I do (deep) lunges or jump squats. It's afterwards when it is sore and feels really tight after a normal workout w/out my brace, with a brace it feels super weak so I'm searching for a middle ground.

    (it's the insides of my knees that are sore )
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Rikki, right now because my knee is still weak from the surgery, I wear a compression wrap for normal walking and the brace for when I workout, but I have noticed that it is getting stronger and stronger when I don't wear anything. Like some of the others have said, you may just be overdoing it. Are you doing an adequate cool down? That was something I was skipping, but I've noticed a positive difference in how I feel since I started doing it.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Fish oil! And some Glucosomine!
  • RikkiDominey
    RikkiDominey Posts: 134 Member
    You may just need to take a good BCAA pill if you are not already doing so, but I feel your pain. My joints tend to hurt as well (mostly in my arms) even after I have taken a week off. Taking a multivitamin, BCAA, and a few other things really helped with this. You may want to try Methionine. It is specifically linked to studies that show that it is great for stabilizing joint cartridge and protecting joint tissue.

    Thank you!
  • jackflak
    jackflak Posts: 153 Member
    Are you overextending your joints when you do the kickboxing? Hyperextending is what I think they call it. I had to stop doing kenpo cause I kept pushing my punches to far out banging my elbows-fully extending them. Same with my knees and kicks. I also agree that maybe you are over training?
  • RikkiDominey
    RikkiDominey Posts: 134 Member
    Rikki, right now because my knee is still weak from the surgery, I wear a compression wrap for normal walking and the brace for when I workout, but I have noticed that it is getting stronger and stronger when I don't wear anything. Like some of the others have said, you may just be overdoing it. Are you doing an adequate cool down? That was something I was skipping, but I've noticed a positive difference in how I feel since I started doing it.

    Yes it looks like I am just gonna have to do a week off and look into getting some more healthy fats & Vitamins in my diet.

    I do a 5 min cool down after my workouts.
  • RikkiDominey
    RikkiDominey Posts: 134 Member
    Are you overextending your joints when you do the kickboxing? Hyperextending is what I think they call it. I had to stop doing kenpo cause I kept pushing my punches to far out banging my elbows-fully extending them. Same with my knees and kicks. I also agree that maybe you are over training?

    Yes, my first few weeks of both kickboxing and weight lifting classes I was doing a little of over extending and locking my elbows and knees out, which I have been working to fix that and really focusing on my form more than anything. I still get caught up in the moment at times and mess up on form, so it is something I haven't perfected just yet.

    Thank you!
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    As someone who has multiple joint and spinal issues, including 2 knee surgeries on the same knee, I would seriously consider doing low impact and low stress workouts (stop all heavy lifting, including your own body) after I took some serious time off. Someone else suggested a doctor visit. That would be my first step since you are having so much pain and for a long time. Good luck to you.

    Edit: I was a gymnast and a coach for a long time (35 years). It really took its toll on my body and is one of the reasons I have problems now. I see that you were a gymnast, too. Go to a doctor. Please. You are too young to be hurting like that.
  • Pnknlvr96
    Pnknlvr96 Posts: 104 Member
    I eat about two tablespoons of ground flax seed every day. It's really helped with my creaky knees, and it's easy to sprinkle on just about everything. Plus it's a good source of fiber. Good luck!
  • RikkiDominey
    RikkiDominey Posts: 134 Member
    As someone who has multiple joint and spinal issues, including 2 knee surgeries on the same knee, I would seriously consider doing low impact and low stress workouts (stop all heavy lifting, including your own body) after I took some serious time off. Someone else suggested a doctor visit. That would be my first step since you are having so much pain and for a long time. Good luck to you.

    Edit: I was a gymnast and a coach for a long time (35 years). It really took its toll on my body and is one of the reasons I have problems now. I see that you were a gymnast, too. Go to a doctor. Please. You are too young to be hurting like that.

    Thank you for your advice and concern. I am going to be taking a week off of all workouts (except for light walking one day) and if the pain continues I will be going to see a doctor.
  • LCSoulkat
    LCSoulkat Posts: 89 Member
    If you're talking about crackling sound coming from your joints while bending knees or using weigths, take Omega-3 - Fish Oil per meal...The crackling sound and pain will disappear in time.
  • shanmichael12
    shanmichael12 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! This caught my attention. I've been having joint pain for about 1 year and a half now, and I have knee issues. Two issues that you may want to get tested and see a doctor: Thyroid. Turned out I have hypothyroidism and that leads to overall joint pain. Also, if the insides of your knees are hurting, it could be your meniscus. I tore both of mine in kick boxing. I run now but no more kick boxing. And lunges are the worst for knees. Side lunges are OK but not walking or stepping forward.

    I hope this helps!
  • ktmmom189
    ktmmom189 Posts: 132 Member
    I actually have a bad left knee from a car injury 15 yrs ago. My right knee bothers me now. Definitely brace, ice, aleve ect. Also rest as everyone said. Also it doesn't look like you do fish oil with Omegas. I felt a lot better when I started those as it seemed to help my joints. I also make sure I am very warmed up. I recently bruised my good knee with a fall while jogging. 2 weeks off and truly results were amazing. Hated it but probably really good for me.
  • mackzaj
    Please go and get a referral to a rheumatologist. Have the blood work and x-rays done to make sure you don't have rheumatoid arthritis. Your symptoms could be explained by RA, and it's not uncommon to show up at your age.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    Make sure you work muscle groups every 2 or 3 days to allow for healing...also, I drink protein shakes to assist with muscle healing and it keeps me from hurting so bad...
  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    Well, I have bad knee -- and none of the doctors can tell me why or what is causing it --other than the cartilage lesion they removed last year. But what caused that --no one seems to know since I have been anything BUT overactive. Doctor is now stuck on weight as the issue but I am 73 pounds down and it still isn't really right....which I told him from the start but I had to prove it by buckling under and doing the exercise that I hate. That being said -- for me anyway, I know that any kind of running or jumping, anything high impact that is going to jar the joint is just out of the question. I fall, experience mind numbing pain and limp around for a week or two after if I am so unwise as to try anything such thing so I just don't. I stick with low-impact Fitness Blenders exercises, walking, biking, my PT, some stretching and light calisthenics. That's what works for me without setting my knee off. I see you run --if that doesn't aggravate things for you, that works -- but since you are having issues then you might need to slow it down and just walk. I don't know exactly what is involved in your other workouts but if there is any high-impact stuff, you might need to talk to your instructors about modified versions because of your joint pain. I've found that most of the traditional exercises can be modified in some fashion to put less stress on my knee and avoid the excruciating bursts of pain that follow. For example, marching jacks instead of jumping jacks, wall pushups rather than traditional or granny-style pushups; and I usually need to hold onto a railing or shelf or something for anything that involves balancing on one leg, especially the bad one since it won't always support me fully by itself and the sudden minute adjustments involved in balance don't track at the speed necessary to keep me on my feet so I either fall or the sudden motion causes a wave of pain. So I just don't do the things I know are going to cause me pain. Hope that helps!
    So basically the title simplifies it. I have been dieting and exercising for the past few months and it seems like each week I have a new problem joint! I have always had issues with my left knee due to an old injury from soccer in high school, but now my right knee is beginning to bother me. Also, both elbows & left wrist are starting to hurt. I stretch after every workout and ice my sore joints about every night.

    I do kickboxing Mon & Weds for 1 hour, followed by about 30 mins on the elliptical
    Muscle Cuts (light weight lifting) Tues, Thurs, & Saturdays, followed by 30 mins on the elliptical
    Fridays I walk/ Jog 2 miles on the track
    (I am trying to achieve the ability to do a few pull ups right now so I do a few negatives and up & holds at night)

    The instructors in these classes are really good about watching form and correcting ppl's form if needed. I wear a wrap on both knees and about to result to maybe some for my elbow if I have to. I am 22, 5'5", 165lbs and have always been active and never had this problem.

    Vitamins I take daily:
    - 2000 mg Glucosamine
    - 333 mg Calcium
    - 133 mg Magnesium
    - 5 mg Zinc
    - 2000 I.U. D3
    - 1210 mg Chonodroitin Sulfate Complex
    - 100 mg Aflapin
    - 10000 mcg Biotin

    Please, any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
  • faireplay
    Questions to ask you hurt more after a workout? Is the pain more noticeable when you wake up/later in the day? Is the pain accompanied by any swelling or redness around the affected joints. It's concerning that you say it is your joints without any accompanying muscle tenderness. If the pain occurs mostly in the mornings and evenings and doesn't seem to be triggered only by the work outs, get yourself to a doctor and ask to have your SED rate tested. The doc will run other tests as well to rule out the possibility of this being a medical issue.