Gall Bladder Problems



  • rockermom5
    Listen to the surgeon...if they tell you it's a good idea, get a second opinion if you must, but to delay for too long (if you decide not to get surgery) can cause it to be an emergency situation in the future. Believe me, I've been researching! I have my surgery next Friday...scared but looking forward to feeling like myself again. Since the massive attack I had in October, I've been feeling very off and very prone to pain. Thanksgiving was NOT a fun day...and I am trying very hard to follow as low a fat diet as I can. Take care, good luck and keep us informed! I've been thinking of you!
  • katiewcurlz
    I coudn't agree more with all of the posts above! I had mine removed in April 2012 after suffering many sleepless nights this last summer and fall.

    I did recently have a complication though. There aren't many complications to be had with this surgery if done laproscopically, but I did get the most common kind - a few stones were left in my bile duct tree that the follow up tests didn't catch. After a few trips to the ER and skeptical doctors' visits, an endoscopy found and took out the remaining stones. No additional incisions or anything. There's a blood test they can do to check for extra stones, in addition to CT scans, etc. Usually they get them all, but mine had traveled quite far from my gall bladder.

    Even despite all this, I felt a TON better. I agree also that my attacks were triggered by fatty foods, and I've recently been diagnosed with high cholesterol. So, to that end, I'm going to try a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet for a few months.

    Good luck with whatever you decide. I think you'll be amazed at how quickly you'll feel better and back in the swing of things. :)
  • leiloob
    leiloob Posts: 49 Member
    Met with the surgeon and he said it is up to me! So I'm going to wait and see how things go from here.
  • returntorural
    returntorural Posts: 350 Member
    I suffered from gallbladder attacks for 10 years without knowing what the problem was (and of course I resisted going to the doctor.) Toward the end I thought I was having a heart attack! If the doctor thinks you'll continue to have attacks, have it taken out. No big scars, quick procedure.