Hi! Just joined last week!

Hi! I've been reading the success stories and I'm blown away by your dedication and success!
I'm thirty one and single and I know that until I feel better about myself, I'm going to stay that way.
I love the calorie counter on this page...I had no idea how much everything added up!!!
I've been sticking to it, though, and I'm already seeing results in my first week. I set my goal at twenty pounds, even though I could lose more, but I think I wanted a realistic goal that I could achieve.
I'm an aspiring writer and if I ever get published, I want to look good in my photo on the back cover. haha!
Nice to meet you all. Looking forward to sharing my own success story one day!


  • Caniacgirl59
    Congrats on your loss so far! I'm also 31, and I have about 22 lbs to go to reach my goal. Feel free to add me! Would love to help keep eachother motivated :)