number crunching...nerds only(jokng)

I love numbers....i do accounting and cost analysis for a living. I have been trying to lose weight but this whole counting calories thing drives me nuts(staying under 1350)! I have prob gained maybe 10 pounds since starting MFP cause im an emotional eater and counting calories makes me stress and by the end of everyday im at the window of some drive thru trying to make myself feel better.

I have found a way to lose weight and to some it may be exactly what you do now but for me its a new analogy and very helpful.

ok here are my stats
Height - 5'2
Weight - 198 lbs

Based on my height my weight should be 122lbs however I have a medium size frame and feel 130 lbs is more realistic.

with that I have to lose 68lbs

68lbs X 3500 Cals = 238,000 cals (in order to reach goal weight)

im going to assume 1800 Cals per day maintains my weight so now im going to think of this as a bill I owe.

My total is 238,000cals or dollars. I am allowed $1800 per day in order to remain at the same balance. But whatever i do not use will go into my balance and the more I work(exercise) pays in to my balance quicker. The longer I take to pay back I will aquire interest(bad health). And the more I over eat will increase my balance.

A big problem I have is that when I have a good day and stay under my cals I feel I can eat more cause I still owe myself cals but the truth is im in a deffict and I need to pay back my balance before I go splurging.

This probaly makes no sense to anyone LOL but it does to me! just had to share!