too high cals MFP



  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I am just a little heavier than a third of your weight, and I can eat more than 2300 and maintain. If I were you I'd forget about impressing people with your calories and look forward to impressing them with how long you can maintain your weightloss instead. If I had a lot to lose, I think I'd try eating the maintenance calories of my goal weight, as some people suggest doing. That way you'd already know how to eat at maintenance when you got there!
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    I like what tameko2 said as well as others. Quit worrying about impressing other people. Lose slowly, retain muscle mass, and learn how to eat right and maintain, not eat like a bird and then binge or fight binging everyday!!
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    thank you all. maybe it is goo me to get used to ea less, i see how it goes... if it is extremely hard i might increase a little because i think it has to be realistic to maintain also.

    i just cant help feel that impressing ppl is very important, just about the most important really. not even for them to be like 'wow amazing' but just not think that i am absolutely rubbish and shameful. id hate people to think i was an awful dieter who deserved to be fat forever. and say bad thing about me.
  • spiregrain
    spiregrain Posts: 254 Member
    thank you all. maybe it is goo me to get used to ea less, i see how it goes... if it is extremely hard i might increase a little because i think it has to be realistic to maintain also.

    i just cant help feel that impressing ppl is very important, just about the most important really. not even for them to be like 'wow amazing' but just not think that i am absolutely rubbish and shameful. id hate people to think i was an awful dieter who deserved to be fat forever. and say bad thing about me.

    Nobody thinks that! Who said that! I will punch them in the pie hole!
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    thank you all. maybe it is goo me to get used to ea less, i see how it goes... if it is extremely hard i might increase a little because i think it has to be realistic to maintain also.

    i just cant help feel that impressing ppl is very important, just about the most important really. not even for them to be like 'wow amazing' but just not think that i am absolutely rubbish and shameful. id hate people to think i was an awful dieter who deserved to be fat forever. and say bad thing about me.

    Honestly, you need tot alk to a professional about this. Your need for approval from others is way off the charts. Are you losing weight for other too? Where does it end? If you're not doing this for you you're setting yourself up for failure.

    Hmmm is approval from others is that important...then I highly disapprove of your placing so much importance on what others think of you and your eating habits! Who else agrees?
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    i'm losing weight for me (heaven knows ppl in my family tried to gt me to for many years before i decided i was ready!) but not i started, it is jst really important that people think I'm doing good enough. I just find it so hard to cope with people thinkin I am arubbish dieter or not trying hard enough or whatever. I dont know why. One time a guy here said i was lazy and it hurt me so so much and idk why because i dont know him really, but it is just the way it is for me... plus, if people think bdly, i guess they got reasons, i mustnt be doin so good!
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    People in here can be so mean - and some of the fellahs in here are so far up themselves they can probably check their prostates visually. So could some of the some of the women in here if they had one.

    Ignore (selectively) the "You-don't-want-to-do-it-like-that" brigade
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    thank you all. maybe it is goo me to get used to ea less, i see how it goes... if it is extremely hard i might increase a little because i think it has to be realistic to maintain also.

    i just cant help feel that impressing ppl is very important, just about the most important really. not even for them to be like 'wow amazing' but just not think that i am absolutely rubbish and shameful. id hate people to think i was an awful dieter who deserved to be fat forever. and say bad thing about me.

    Awe, I just wanna hug you. You are doing awesome, listen to your body, stay focused, and you will see a difference <3
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    The benefits of losing at a slower rate are that your skin will keep up better, you won't feel so deprived, and you will be able to keep from gaining the wait back much easier. Healthy is the way to go!
  • CarrieStL
    CarrieStL Posts: 162 Member
    I'm 5'7 (male) started at 406lbs, now 370lbs. losing about a lb a week, though it can vary a little. I put low exercise as a base line but i log when i swim or do entle circuit training or walking (these are the main kinds i do). I just worry that it doesn't seem as good as other people, when people point out these people like 'this person is doing great, we should aspire to follow like them', those people always have lowers cals and bigger losses than me and it gets me thinking i might not be doing enough. i dont know.

    Screw other people. You are not other people. You are you.

    I think 1lb a week is a good loss rate - *some* people do well eating very large deficits and losing very fast, but IMO they are the exception and not the norm. How many people do you know who went on a super low cal diet, lost a lot very fast, and then gained it all back immediately?

  • dcummins123
    Hey mate,

    3000Cals seems far too high to be honest.

    I'm the same age, I weight train - altering between high volume and high intensity in each workout and do at least 2x 300 calories worth of cardio a week and I've been losing weight fairly adequately.

    I'm doing this on around 2000 calories a day and alter calories on the weekend.

    It also depends on caloric composition.

    I've found my body responds well to at least 100grams of carbs a day with protein staying around 160-200 and fats being limited to around 30-40g.

    But hey it's your body so trial and error however if Instincts tell you to change some **** up then I'd say to go with them.
  • tarablyawsum
    tarablyawsum Posts: 34 Member
    I'm 5'7 (male) started at 406lbs, now 370lbs. losing about a lb a week, though it can vary a little. I put low exercise as a base line but i log when i swim or do entle circuit training or walking (these are the main kinds i do). I just worry that it doesn't seem as good as other people, when people point out these people like 'this person is doing great, we should aspire to follow like them', those people always have lowers cals and bigger losses than me and it gets me thinking i might not be doing enough. i dont know.

    I have noticed with mine that over time, my calorie allowance has dropped as I have lost my weight. Maybe since you are starting at a higher rate than others you get a higher allowance for now. Also, If you update your goal section with your new currently weight itll change your counts too. I recently did that myself and lost 30 of my calories allowed per day.