I am NOT the father...



  • melliebee
    melliebee Posts: 187 Member
    Men. Always happy and willing to sow their seed, but are terrified at the thought of it planting!!! :)
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member

    LOL!!! FTW!!!
  • Sbaby74
    Wow to funny and how strange of her to refer to him as "your little guy". Sounds like someone was so impressed with how good you were with her son that she's now seriously crushing and daddy shopping lol. Any passer by hearing her comment would suddenly assume you are the father wich reminds me of a story of my own. When my now 13yr old daughter was about 2 I went out with a veryatractive man about 5yrs my junior so at the time he was about 22 yrs old and had never dated a woman with a child before. Oour first date we went to the movies and to grab a bite to eat, my cousin had my daughter over for the night to play with her girls so it was just us and we sat and talked for hours. Since we had hit it off so well and he was just an awesome guyhe asked if he could come by and take both me and my daughter to the park the next day. He of course fell in love with her (he had met her a few days before when he met me) They played at the park as if they had always been together anyone passing would have thought for sure she was his. It suddenly clouded up and he rushed us to the truck, grabing her up running when the rain started using himself to keep her dry. Not wanting to take us home yet we grabed at bite to eat at a drive through and headed to the mall. We were sitting on a bench in the middle of the mall having ice cream when a guy he had went to school with walked up and started talking before my friend could say anything the stanger asked well aren't you going to introduce me to your lovely family, my friend introduced us explaining we were not family infact we had just met. The stranger became very angery and pulled my friend aside a chewed him out for denying we were his family, he should be ashamed and asked how he could say such a beautifull baby wasnt his and that he should be proud to have me in his life. My friend tried hard to explain but they guy just wouldn't have it and came over and apologized to me for my friend and walked away telling him "you ain't right man, thas just wrong". My firend was a bit upset about the whole thing but we laughed it off and went on. A bit later we were in a store looking around and my daughter was tring to get his attention, seeing another child quickly get a mans attention by yelling out daddy, she yelled "daddy look" to my friend and of course shoked he turned around quickly then asked what did she say. I tried to act like I didn't hear her but not only did I hear her so do tje guy who had insisted we were a family. T My friend didn't see him in the store but the guy just grined at me and walked away . I have seen my friend a few times over the years and as of the last time I saw him the guy still was asking him who his family was doing everytime they would run into each other. Lol as if I would allow the father of my child to deny her standing in my face and not say something.
  • SyStEmPhReAk
    SyStEmPhReAk Posts: 330 Member

    People like you who are willing to color, play games with or otherwise keep a child occupied so Mom can get work done or just keep an eye on that kid’s sibling are saviors in my book. Kudos to you! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :blushing: :blushing:
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754


    The video is even better -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGtWssdauME